heart didn’t stop him from charging toward George in preparation to end this battle.


Right at that moment, a tornado with a diameter of around a meter fell from the sky, descending roughly two meters in front of Neil.
It then swept toward Neil violently, sending a flurry of violent wind pillars and green wind blades flying into his armor.
Cracks instantly began to appear on the ground as dust and debris flew in all directions.

“That’s the ultimate spell, the gale pillar! Look out, Neil!” Claus let loose a cry of surprise as he looked at the wind pillar and its origin—the young casterwith an incredulous expression.

Aside from the tier ranking system, there was another hierarchy among magic casters.
1st to 3rd-tier magic casters were elementary magic casters, 4th to 6th-tiers were intermediate magic casters, 7th to 9th-tiers were advanced magic casters, and 10th-tier magic casters were great magic casters.

This hierarchy existed due to the spells that magic casters of each rank could use.
Spells were divided into elementary spells, intermediate spells, advanced spells, ultimate spells, forbidden spells, and great forbidden spells.
Most magic casters were only able to unleash spells that corresponded to their power levels, but there were some exceptionally talented magic casters that could unleash spells of a higher level.
Those magic casters were virtually invincible among magic casters of the same rank, and were super prodigies.

The gale pillar that George had just summoned was an intermediate spell, while George was only a 3rd-tier magic caster.

“He’s quite a bright youngster with prospects.” Novan was slightly surprised as he looked at George.

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Looks like Chaos School is going to lose again.
Many teachers heaved sighs internally, and their expressions became quite dejected.

“That’s just a wind pillar; watch me smash it with my fist! Giant arm!” Neil wasn’t fearful in the slightest as he stepped forward.
His right arm instantly expanded to more than twice its original size, and his armored hand came crashing toward the wind pillar.

Everyone looked on with rapt focus at the scenes transpiring on the platform.
The elementary section students had their eyes wide open with their little hands half-raised into the air, preparing to burst into raucous cheers as soon as Upperclassman Neil crushed the wind pillar and smashed his opponent off the platform.

The massive rocky fist struck the wind pillar, upon which a muffled thump erupted.
However, the wind pillar didn’t dissipate as a result.
Instead, it enveloped Neil’s body, quickly stripping him of his rocky armor.

The gale-force winds were even beginning to sweep him off his feet, which would result in a disastrous situation for him.
As soon as his feet lost contact with the ground, he would lose his ability to draw upon the power of the earth.
As such, he wouldn’t be able to repair his armor, and the battle would be as good as over.

A hint of panic finally appeared on Neil’s face, and he struggled as he attempted to unleash a spell.

“Rise!” George raised his hand in a calm manner, and the pillar of wind quickly began to rotate.
Neil’s burly body was swept into the air like a kite with a snapped line before being thrown off the platform.
He landed with a dull thump, and it took him a while to regain his bearings.

Everyone fell completely silent upon seeing that.
They were all staring at Neil and George with incredulous looks on their faces.

“You’re the one that shouldn’t be here.” George looked at Neil with a hint of mockery on his face.

“You!!” Rage flared up in Neil’s heart, further compounding his dizziness, and causing him to black out on the spot.

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“Father, does this set of magician robes really look good on me?” At the restaurant’s entrance, Amy was dressed in a set of black magician robes, and she looked up at Mag with a serious expression.

“Yes, Little Amy looks super gorgeous in those magician robes.
We have to go now.
Otherwise, the bad people really will run away soon.” Mag nodded with a resigned expression.
Amy had been deciding between two sets of magician robes for close to half an hour.
As expected, women always took a long time to get ready.
Even a little girl like Amy was no different.

“Alright! Let’s go beat up those bad people!” Amy’s eyes lit up upon hearing that, and she clambered onto the bike as she waved the wand in her hand.

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