
Tianming was now mingled among those savage beasts.
His entire body was covered in heavy black armor, only revealing his single black eye.
”I heard we ’re waiting for the skyscourge bloodfiend and heartscourge fiend, right? ”

They wish to render a final service to Nonahall. ”

”They must be really fierce and ready to fight then. ”

”Well, it’d be ideal if they could tear apart the Sun-Moon-Star Formation and kill Li Tianming. ”

”No doubt about that. ”

The folks in the city are truly pitiful.
It’s over for them, this time around.
Once we ’re done here, the next step is to continue stomping everything in our path flat until we reach Taiji Peak Lake. ”

”Did you hear? Ghoul King Si Ling wants to massacre the entire city tonight as a tribute to her elder brother, Ghoul King Xue Yi.
Not a fly is to be spared. ”

”Very well.
That means we ’re free to do as we please tonight then. ”

”Archaion is only the start.
One day, the Nonahall Divine Realm will unify the entire Flameyellow Continent under our rule. ”

”We ’ll start with Tianming City tonight! ”

Tianming had heard all of that after blending into the enemy forces.
He continued wordlessly advancing until he reached the very front of the vanguard.
Now, he was as close to the Sun-Moon-Star Formation as he could be.

”Hey, back off! Don ’t be in such a rush! ” someone from behind called out to him.

Tianming immediately spread his wings and sped up.
Even as he charged into the Sun-Moon-Star Formation, the forces of Nonahall still hadn ’t reacted.

”Who’s that?! ” 

Right after they said that, Tianming disappeared beyond the formation.
The moment he entered, the formation ’s terrifying power locked on to him.

”Palace Lord Yi, it ’s me, Tianming! ” he cried out.
It was only then that the Infinite Starnet of the formation dissipated.
This third-origin tribulation pattern formation was no doubt much stronger than the formations of the Grand-Orient Realm.
The markings alone seemed far more complex, allowing Yi Xingyin the kind of granular control to attack or spare whomever he chose.

Tianming crossed the formation and got on the walls, where Jian Wuyi and the rest were waiting for him.
”Sect Master Jian, the heartscourge fiend and skyscorch bloodfiend will be leading the charge. ”

”Alright, we appreciate the news, ” Jian Wuyi said.

”Good. ” Tianming looked around the city and let the tense atmosphere soak in.
The upcoming crisis felt like a kind of darkness that was about to overpower them.
Would this be their last stand, or would they live to fight another day?

”Have the captives of all four cities been rescued? ” the city lord of Tianming City, Su Wanfeng, asked.

”They have, City Lord.
The sect even sent us help on that, ” Tianming said.

”Very well. ” That was the second piece of good news Tianming had brought.

”Now that we’re no longer threatened by the corpse puppets and saved twenty million people from the fate of endless suffering past death, you’ve really rendered the realm a magnificent service, ” Xuanyuan Xie exclaimed.
If not for Tianming ’s efforts, Tianming City would be facing far worse that night.
Still, they didn ’t have any concrete plans to defend themselves other than fighting to the death.
Meanwhile, on the Pentaphase front, the two-million-strong army led by Fang Shenyu and Jian Qingyuan could only wait for an opportunity to come.
Before the enemy launched a proper attack on Tianming City, they didn ’t dare leave their post.

”What’s Meow Meow doing? ” Tianming asked.

”Napping over there, ” Su Wanfeng said.
That was to be expected.
Tianming went over and picked up the lazy cat.

”Who dares interrupt my restful slumber? Feel my wr— ” Meow Meow mumbled as it slowly opened its eyes.

”Feel your what? ”

”Feel my very strong feelings of love and affection for you? ” It immediately changed its tone when it saw Tianming.

”So, you ’re well rested, I ’m sure. ”

”It could be better, ideally with two more hours, ” Meow Meow said.

”Shame we don ’t live in an ideal world! ” Tianming tossed it back into his lifebound space and entered a civilian residence.
Before the enemy began the attack, he had a chance to enter the life phase of the seventh level—it was just a simple matter of forming his samsara rings.
With his Imperial Will, he could easily control the strong tribulation forces.
Soon, he and his four beasts made it to the seventh-level life phase.

”With Ling ’er and the Greenspark Tower, I believe I can now face off against Palace Lord Yi and Divine Marshal Xuanyuan Xie. ”

Those were people at the tenth-level death phase, second only to sect masters and ghoul kings! The voluminous vigor of the life phase made his power even more prominent, and the four codexes he practiced had enough combined tribulation force to rival third-origin tribulation elders at the tenth-level life phase.
He took out Archfiend and wondered when he would truly be able to take the Archaionfiend Eye into his own eyes.

”I wonder how long it ’ll take until I truly become one of the sky plunderer race… ”

He had spent a lot of time figuring out how to crack the secrets of the black hole stars and decided it must have something to do with Archfiend.
Still, he didn ’t have a clear answer as to how to proceed.

”Dad, what should I do? ”

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