e is no need to say what happens next.




 The Butcher is particularly deadly in small enclosed spaces.




 On the plains, where visibility is good, humans can manage to use high-powered weapons against dragons, golems, and of course, the Butcher.




 However, when encountered in forests, urban areas, or inside buildings, where visibility and the use of heavy weapons are limited, the small weapons carried by soldiers are not enough.
Just as it is impossible to run away from a bear, it is impossible for a human to run away from a butcher.




 The only way to survive is to scatter and flee in separate groups, hoping that someone else will sacrifice and buy us some time.




 In such an enclosed space like an underground warehouse, no one, no matter how many people, can survive if they are spotted by the Butcher's red eyeball.




“Run ……
Laura …….”




 Laura is running away from the Butcher right now, and her life seems to be in danger.




 But she showed more resourcefulness than Sean had expected.
Instead of heading to the exit of a warehouse, which she could see in the distance, she jumped into a nearby door.




 It was a heavy, sturdy-looking door that closed with a slam.




 That was an explosives depot.




 It is a reinforced room where explosive weapons such as C4 explosives and other dangerous materials are stored, and it is very strong.
It's so custom-made that it can withstand a direct hit from a dragon's breath.




 No matter how much of a butcher he was, there was no way he could break through the doors and walls of that room with his strength.
Sean was relieved to see that, and he admired her tactfulness from the bottom of his heart.




( That should do it.




 There is a phone in the explosives depot for communication.




 It requires an authorization card to use, but Laura must have one in her bag.
She's a serious woman, despite her appearance.
Even when she's off duty, she's always ready for a fight.




 If she at least can alert HQ to the Butcher's entry, she has fulfilled her duty as a soldier.





I'll die, but she'll survive.
Well, that's what a soldier's life is all about. I wish I could have held her more *beep* *beep*  Maybe she is already pregnant with my child, and after I die, she will …..
*beep *beep*















 The door to the explosives chamber opened as Sean stared at it.




 Laura's eyes were blank as she stood inside the explosives room with her hand on the receiver.




 The butcher walked into the warehouse.




“–S, S, Sean……”




 Just before the door slammed shut again with a thud, the man's eyes caught sight of Laura's blue face, which began to tremble.








 Sean's mind went blank.


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 He was left on the floor of the warehouse, and the questions were gradually flooding him like a storm.








(Why did the door open?)




(that Beep, beep, beep.
No way…..was he entering a PIN code?)




(The Butcher?)




(The notoriously dumb Butcher?)




(How did he get the code in the first place?)




(I have to help.)








 Sean crawls.




 His both arms and legs were crushed, yet he still claws, like a caterpillar.




 When he hit the floor, he was smashed in the spine.
He had no feeling in his lower body.
It was like being dragged through a sandbag.




 It was unimaginable to feel the storm of pain that erupted just by twisting and turning.
The pain was so great that even he, who had spent many years as a soldier, felt his strength drain from his body.




 Still, Sean crawls.




 He thrusts his chin forward, moaning and groaning.
Using only the strength in his neck, he uses all his strength in his upper body.
He pulled his body forward and forward.




 The destination is the door of the explosives chamber.





 In the midst of his confusion, all he could think about was his male instinct to rush to the woman he loved.








 Sean's muffled moan sounded very weak, crushed by the silence of the underground warehouse.




 –How much time had passed?




 The bloodstains on the floor still extended only a few meters.
But he didn't stop moving like a caterpillar.




 He crawled toward the door, which radiated an eerie silence.








 At that moment, as if in response to Sean's wailing, the door opened with a whoosh.




“—–Hiii!! Hig!! Ahh! Ahh! AHhh!”



 What came out was a woman's scream.




 Laura was forced to open her legs wide and was being violently thrust upwards from behind.




 Her clothes were roughly torn off, her naked body was clothed in the remaining scraps of cloth, and her entire body was drenched in white slime.




 Her eyes had lost their light as if they were covered with a thin film, and her mouth was panting like a broken speaker that had been cranked up too high.




“–Ahhhhh! No! No! Again!? cu-!! cum!! cumming!!!!……ah! don't!! stop!! Ahhhhhhh”




 Laura's body shakes as she squirts.




 Butcher, as if to show off, walks through the door with her in his embrace from behind.
His grotesque genitals were thrust into the center of her spread legs, pulsating vigorously.




“Aa …………
aa ……
aa ……
aa ………




 Sean realized that Laura was getting creampied when he noticed that her lower abdomen was slowly swelling. She continued to take it, the flesh of her belly near her navel twitching up and down.




ooh ……
ooh ……
ooh ……”




 Eventually, her screams died down, leaving only a faint scream.




 Sean's nightmare was not over.
The next thing he knew, he couldn't believe his eyes.



Butcher's penis began to slowly come out, peeling open Laura's moist crack, and it was as thick as a young man's arm.




 It continued to be pulled out of her, and there was no sign that it was all coming out.
Laura was at his mercy, drooling and in a state of ecstasy.




 When the big glans finally came out of her gaping hole, white fluid started to spill out of her as if it was a dam.




 The spurting fluid splashed onto Sean's face as he crawled over.
A thick scent, different from Laura's, tickled his nostrils.
Strange as it may sound, he thought it smelled good for a moment.








 With a thud ……
and a sound like a water bag falling, Laura was thrown next to the struggling Sean.




 He saw the exhausted look in her eyes.
The woman's face, continuously bouncing and bobbing in the aftermath of her violation, displayed a look of extreme agony that Sean had never experienced before.








 Sean couldn't speak.




 The two of them stared at each other on the floor, stunned.



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 Suddenly, the black butcher's tongue extended to Laura's face.




“No, stop……! Don't……!”




 Sean was prepared for her horrible death.
The Butcher ate people alive.
It was a famous story among the soldiers.




 But the next thing he knew, she was gasping for air.








 He watched as Laura began sucking on Butcher's tongue on her own.




 She is caressing Butcher's tongue as she does to Sean's manhood on the bed – or more passionately than that.




 She squeezed the lump of flesh with her hands, thrusting her tongue out desperately to send it down her throat.





-I'm going crazy.





 That small certainty brought rather a relief to Sean.
At the same time, he felt a twisting feeling in his stomach as he thought about the fierce deeds that must have taken place in that locked explosives chamber.




 Despite his feelings, the Butcher held Laura.




 The monster's hands, which could crush a stone, clamped down on Laura's head from above.








 The Butcher tapped her head rhythmically with his fingers.




 Sean can do nothing but cower on the floor like a miserable creature, writhing in pain and agony.




“It's ……
good, it's ……
good, so good……”








 Sean furrowed his brow doubtfully.
Laura saw the look on his face.




butcher's dick ……
good ……”




“Laura ……?”




“This is the most ……
amazing ……
dick I've ever had! I'll tell you what! It's thicker, hotter, and harder than any cock.
Oh, don't look at me, Sean.
I'm going to be so stupid when he fuck all my sensitive parts at once ♡”








“I want …….ummm ♡…..Butcher's dick ……
to the deepest part ……
please give me♡”




 Laura began to stroke the black tongue again, then rolled onto her back and opened her large legs.



“Chup …… ♡ Jup ♡ Mua …… Huh, haa ♡”



 Laura's vacant eyes were glued to the huge meat stick pressed against her vagina hole.
It was wet, ready to stab Laura to death, and she was trembling with anticipation.




However, she had a thin smile on her face as she passionately sucked on Butcher's black tongue with one hand and used the other hand to squeeze his huge cock and guide it to her own entrance.




 It looked as if she was about to accept the Butcher's cock




Look, Sean …
Wow …
This dick is amazing …
♡  It's going all the way inside me  …
look, look …







“Hurry up ……
Hurry up, give me that big thing ♡ Ah!! that amazing–Ah ♡ Ah, Agugu …
Ah ♡”





 As Sean gazed ahead, Butcher's genitals began to slip in without resistance, and it wasn't long before they were all inside Laura's vagina.



Laura's crotch and Butcher's crotch were locked together.




 Laura's distorted face began to shake violently.




“Aahhhh! Aah♡! Aaah♡! Aah♡! Aah♡!”




 Laura lifts her hips to meet the butcher's heavy thrusts.
She tears up and accepts the monster's torture with a wistful scream that can't hide her ecstasy.




 The Butcher was thrusting her as he licked all over her ripe naked body.




 He kneaded her navel, breasts, and nipples over and over, tightened her throat, flicked her earholes, and then her mouth.
Laura's body continued to jerk and twitch as she writhed and delighted in these disgusting caresses.




 Eventually, it turned into the sex of an animal that had abandoned its humanity.
Laura moaned and cried out, expressing her pleasure with every shot of the beast's semen.




 The Beast's fierce pistoning continued until Laura's brain cells were fried.




 As a pond of white slime formed beneath her ass, the Butcher increased the tempo of his drilling, and Sean's forehead hit the floor and he closed his eyes.




 But he couldn't cover his ears, and his ears kept hearing Laura's howling and Butcher's screams echoing back and forth in the underground warehouse as He cursed the gods.




Enough– nnngh! please forgive me ♡ Hii ♡ Hii ♡ Ah ♡  Aa ♡ Ah ♡ Ah ♡ Oo♡  –Hicc ♡ nnngh ♡ –hic, hic, hic, Hiiii–? Shh, nuh-uh! aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah♡, aah, aah, aah, aah! –Aah!?




 On this day, a man and a woman disappeared from Fort 88.




 A search was conducted around the place where they were last seen, but their whereabouts were unknown.



 However, a large amount of blood and bodily fluids left behind in an underground warehouse led to the suspicion of a mass assault and murder, but neither the bodies that should be there nor the suspects remain unknown.




 The investigation is further complicated by the mysterious testimony that Sean was seen in the slums of the Fort during the hours of the night after his disappearance.




 It was Christmas Eve, the first snowfall of the year.

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