be unemployed! It’s making me undergo an identity crisis!

My woes were further made apparent the other day when we challenged Lady Veil’s remodeled dungeon.

Although I was brought as a representative of the demon race, I wasn’t able to contribute to anything at all! In fact, I seemed so non-existent during the whole exploration that Lord Saint hardly called my name, nor did anyone else notice my presence!!!

This situation is becoming graver and graver.

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I’m one of the many soldiers recruited by the demon army, so I had all the right to feel confident about my fighting abilities…yet there I was, as unnoticeable as air!!!

At this rate, I’m really going to end up as an unemployed good-for-nothing.

I need to do something about this, pronto!!!

“And that’s why you came to me for advice?”

Batemy, who is another aide of Miss Astres, is now in an indispensable position as the farm’s tailor.

Lord Saint even built a personal clothing room for her to use freely, so there’s a huge difference between us, especially now that I’m on the verge of being unemployed.

We both started at the same time and at the same place, but how and where did we end up being so different?!

“…You know, I’ve been dead busy making all these work uniforms after the sudden increase of workers on the farm.
It’s driving me insane.”

Then let’s reunite here and let me help you, just like old times!

“No way.
You’re clumsy with your hands.
Terribly clumsy.”

Yeah, but…you don’t have to be so blunt about it!!!

“If the seams are a mess, I have to resew them again, so it’s literally just double the effort.
I know you’re not suited for this job because we’ve been working together for many years.”

Oh, partner.

I’m not sure whether it’s the effect of your murderous workload, but I feel absolutely zero mercy from the way you word things.

What am I supposed to do then?!

I don’t want to be unemployed! Anything but that!!!

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My pride won’t allow me to do that after I drove on the highway to elite success at the Demon King’s army!

“Elites are such a pain in the butt!”

Don’t make such a face that looks like its forsaking its fellow soldier, Batemy!

Help me get out of this wretched condition!

“Why don’t you ask either Miss Astres or Lord Zedan to dismiss you from your duties instead? That way, you can also return to the army.”

Huh?! But what about managing the waypoints?!

“That’s just a matter of cleaning and checking for any abnormalities, I can still do that much.
Besides, if it really does break, I’m sure Sensei or Lady Veil will do something about it if we ask them.”

I don’t want to hear any more of this!

Of course, those two omnipotent beings can do anything!

Don’t take away my last reason for existing!!!

And for your information, I can’t just resign from the task our respected Miss Astres gave me!

“Well then, how about you become Lord Saint’s nightly companion? I mean, you still have the face, you’re just kinda flat…”

W-W -What are you talking about?!

My pride won’t allow me to assume a position without relying on my abilities!

“…You really are such a pain.”

Did she really just say that?!

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She may have said it under her breath, but I definitely heard her say that I’m a pain!!!

“Oh, right.
Didn’t Lord Saint say he’s going to start something again?”

Don’t change the subject!

I can’t believe you would call your long-time partner “a pain!”

…Wait, huh?

Something new?

“The big kiln he’s been working on for so long is finally finished.
Lord Saint says he wants to do something with it.”

And what’s that?

“That I don’t know much about.
A commoner like me has no way of knowing what the saint is thinking at any point of time.”

That’s true.

“But if you volunteer straight away, he might give you a new job.
Why don’t you go and ask Lord Saint yourself right now?”

That’s great news!

Thanks, Batemy! As expected of my kindred-spirit!

I’m going to Lord Saint to ask for a new job!!!

“Had you gone to Lord Saint from the beginning, I’m sure he would’ve given you something.”

My partner’s words no longer reached me as I headed out in a frenzy.

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