yate-san, Jinya-san was a childhood friend of Amako’s mother.
Hayate-san’s daughter, Linka is very close to Amako, so it’s not that strange, but …… I didn’t think Jinya-san was that close to her.

 ……When you think about it, it’s probably not unreasonable for Hayate-san to have got emotional over her treatment of Amako, the daughter of a childhood friend.





 Amako who had finished talking with Hayate-san looked up at me with an anxious look on her face.


“Before Mom stopped waking up, she said to me, ‘You can’t be like me.’ She looked at me with a sad face, like it was the last time we would see each other.

“I guess there was a reason for that?”


 There might have been something going on with Amako’s mother that I couldn’t imagine.

 Amako seemed to feel the same way, nodding her head with a gloomy expression, but then she continued, “But…”


“But,” she continued, “it doesn’t matter now.
I just want my mother to get better.”



 I will definitely help her.

 For the sake of this child, and for Amako’s mother, Kanoko-san.

 As I was making such a strong vow in my heart, Hayate-san, who was walking in front of me, stopped.

 It seems he has reached his destination.

 As I looked beyond Hayate-san’s gaze, I saw a building that was a size larger than the surrounding houses.
From the looks of it, the structure reminded me of a temple.


“…… This is where your mother lived?”

“For two years.
She’s been undergoing treatment here.
We couldn’t wake her up with our powers, but with healing magic, there might be hope.”


 I opened the door and stepped inside.

 It was a bleak room that I couldn’t imagine from the size of the exterior.
In the center of the room, there was a woman in a kimono sleeping quietly on a pure white futon.

 She had the same beautiful long golden hair and fox ears as Amako.

 She looked as if Amako had grown up as she was, so beautiful and youthful that she could have been called her older sister.


“Amako, is that your mother?”


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 We took off our shoes and walked indoors to where Kanoko-san was laid out.

 I looked around the sleeping Kanoko-san and saw what looked like a magic tool on the floor.
I couldn’t tell what it was used for, but I understood that it was something that was keeping her bedridden body alive.


“Hayate-san, do you mind if I take care of Kanoko-san?”

“Yes, I’ll be present, so please don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you very much.”


 In order to use the systematic enhancement of healing magic, which is important to visualize how I want to heal the other person, I need to know Kanoko-san’s condition.

 And in addition to the conditions for triggering the systemic enhancement, there is one more thing that Nea needs to see.
Let her see if there is any change in her magical power, if she is under the influence of magic, and if necessary, apply a spell to break the magic —— a release spell.

 After giving Nea a look over my right shoulder, I crouch down beside Kanoko-san to check on her.




 She’s sleeping with a peaceful expression, as if she’s about to wake up.

 But this person hasn’t woken up once in two years.

 The most likely possibility is that Hayate-san’s magic tool went out of control and caused some sort of brain damage.

 I’ve always suspected that the brain is affected by the fact that she sleeps while alive, but this is the most likely possibility.

 Once that was decided, I created a healing magic system enhancement in my palm.

 When I was about to apply the systemic enhancement to her, Nea on my shoulder slapped me on the cheek.
Did she find something wrong? I turned to Nea and there she was looking stunned, muttering in a small voice.


“This person …… has no …… magic power.”



 No magic power.

 What the heck is that?

 Confused by Nea’s words, I turned to Hayate-san while activating the systemic enhancement.



“Did you find out something, ……?”


 Hayate-san was surprised by my voice, but that’s not the point right now.

 Why doesn’t she have any magic power? Kanoko-san had precognitive magic, so it’s impossible for her to have no magic power.


“Did you know that Kanoko-san is losing her magic power right now?”

“She’s losing her magic? My subordinate didn’t tell me anything like that.


 Either he hadn’t noticed, or Hayate-san hadn’t been informed.

 In either case, it’s impossible for magic power to suddenly disappear from the body.

 If she’s unconscious because she’s lost her magic, then there’s no way I can fix her.




 I shook off my backward thoughts.

 I should not be so weak.


“Usato, …….”


 Amako looks at me with a face like she’s about to cry.

 Seeing her expression, I turned to Kanoko-san again.


“I’ll try my best.”


 I mutter to myself, and activate the systematic enhancing of healing magic in my left hand as well.
Originally, I was able to strengthen the system without the gauntlet, but it was quite tiring to do it with both hands.

 I placed my right hand on Kanoko-san’s forehead and my left hand on her abdomen to spread the systemic enhancement over her entire body.


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“…… systematic enhancing.”


 I focus my attention on Kanoko-san as I am tormented by the sensation of magic power being consumed from my body all at once.

 System enhancing is a profound form of healing magic that boasts immense recovery power.

 With sweat beading on my forehead, I relentlessly apply healing magic to Kanoko-san.





 The pain that hit me like an electric shock to my head almost made me lose my concentration.

 I thought I had lost my magic power, but I still had it.

 The systemic enhancing is also working normally.





 It hurts, but it’s not unbearable.

 However, Nea on my shoulder is not so lucky.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m touching her, but I think she’s suffering from a headache and she’s writhing in pain.





 Amako, who noticed me tilting my head and Nea letting out a cry of anguish, put her hand on my shoulder as quickly as she could.

 At that moment, I was tormented by the sensation of something passing through my body, and this time, Amako also held her head to her forehead, just like Nea.


“What, this …….”

“Amako, Nea, get away from me!”


 What’s going on……? When I tried to pull Nea and Amako away from me, I was met with a headache that intensified without warning.


“Amako, run!


 I heard a woman’s voice that seemed to echo directly in my head.

 After that voice, the headache stopped, but Amako looked down at her mother, who was still asleep, with a mixture of confusion and astonishment on her face.


“A-are you okay!”


 Hayate-san is worried about me and Amako’s safety.

 I’m used to mental attacks, but that’s not the case with Amako and Nea, so I’m still holding my head.
In the meantime, as I try to cast a healing spell on them with my remaining magic, Amako moves her mouth in a small, trembling voice.


“Mother …….”


 Was that Kanoko’s voice I heard earlier?

 No, more than that, what does she mean by running away?

 When I tried to call out to Arc-san to ask for his judgment, he turned his face towards the sliding door and his expression turned grim.


“Tsk, I didn’t notice until they got this close ……! Usato-dono! We’re surrounded!!!!”



 Just as I turned my gaze to the sliding door in surprise, it was kicked open with a loud bang and blasted in front of us.

 A group of beasts armed with armor entered through the door, but when I spotted the last person who stepped into the room, I really didn’t understand what was going on.

 A large beastman wearing a black kimono.

 Standing behind the beasts with his bow at the ready, he, Jinya-san, looked at us, including Hayate-san, condescendingly, and slowly opened his mouth.


“Don’t hit Amako and Hayate-san.”


 Instantly, an arrow with a speed that was incomparable to Linka’s was shot at my eyes.

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