rms of the man moved again, his sword streaking through the air. 

At that moment, the Wave Sword Sea Formation swarmed Woon-seong once again.
Dozens of swords rushed to strike, stab, and slash. 

Woon-seong swung his spear as he saw it.
The White Night Spear pushed towards the black sea of swords. 


Kaga-shua –

The White Night Spear slammed the swords back. 

It was no wonder that Woon-seong’s lips curled. 

“It was a good idea for you to share strength in order to defend, but you didn’t gather enough strength to attack.”

With his bare hands, Woon-seong caught several of the swords.
It was like he was holding a stick. 

“These sticks, it doesn’t matter how many times you try to stab me with them.”


The Qingcheng groaned and slowly pulled back. 

It wasn’t just because they were scared. 

It was to maintain the formation against the monster known as the Heavenly Demon. 

One of the leaders looked around, then decided.
“I’m going to be the center of the formation.”

“We hear the words of the elder!”

As soon as the command was issued, the Wave Sword Sea Formation began to change.
Unlike how one man had been at the center, controlling everyone else, the elder had walked out. 

Behind him, the other swordsmen lined up, forming crane wings. 

It was as if all of the energy from the formation was being channeled into one person. 

Woon-seong’s eyebrows twitched. 

It wasn’t just in appearance.
In fact, all the energy from 300 swordsmen were indeed being gathered into that one man.

The energy of 300 men was not something to ignore. 

Although there would be some loss of energy, it was an insane amount. 

Even if you compared it to the amount of qi Woon-seong had inherited from Chun Hwi, it wouldn’t be lacking!

As if to prove that, the man’s blade was trembling. 


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There was what seemed to be a lightning strike and Woon-seong’s toe was sliced off. 


If Woon-seong hadn’t stepped back, his leg might have been cut off. 

There was a deep furrow in the ground and dust billowed. 

Within the swirling dust, the man’s sword shone blue. 

It was sword qi. 

A sword so powerful that it was on par with Woon-seong. 

The sword was shaking with energy.
A massive vortex of qi seemed to be wrapping around the area. 

Seeing that, Woon-seong slowly raised his spear. 

Soon, there was a turbulent storm of energy raging around the White Night Spear, comparable to the Qingcheng’s. 

Rain of Star Destruction. 

The Moon of Dark Night and Death.

Divine Wind of the Past. 

Break the Vast Sea. 

And then what?

His fifth move would destroy the earth after the sea. 

Hell’s Punishment to the Land. 

It destroyed the earth and banished all life. 

A name fitting of the fifth move of the Art of Six Seals and Destruction, which broke even the Heavens on the sixth. 

A ferocious skill revealed itself. 

A torrent of torn trunks were caught up within the qi, wrapping around the White Night Spear.
The storm seemed to be about 5 meters wide now. 

Woon-seong swung his spear. 

It was an ordinary arc. 

Just that. 

But the results were extraordinary. 

A giant pillar of light seemed to connect the Heavens and Earth in a single blow. 


An illusion that the world had ended appeared, like life itself had been torn into two pieces. 

Massive waves swept the field, out of control. 


The ground split open.
The waves of energy swept beyond the Qingcheng Sect and crashed into the Sichuan Union. 


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“How’s that a human?”

“He’s not a human being!”

Screams erupted everywhere. 




One man survived the apocalypse.
Both his beard and eyebrows had been burned away, his clothing torn to rags, but he endured. 

“Khh,” the man groaned, struggling to get on one knee. 

Woon-seong smiled coldly.

The Qingcheng Sect had driven Nok Yu-on to his death.
Not only were the Three Swords of Qingcheng his sword enemies, but all of the Qingcheng Sect were on Woon-seong’s death note. 

So he did not intend to kill them so easily.
And now one of them was refusing to die like so. 

Revealing his white fangs, Woon-seong said, “Defy me more.
Make it more enjoyable!”

He moved his left hand. 

“That way, I can feel that killing you was worthwhile.” 

The Divine Flame roared to life, wheels of flame appearing on his left hand. 

The Heavenly Demon’s Wheel of Samsara. 

“Let the Qingcheng Sect burn, as well as Qingcheng Mountain, then I can laugh all I want.”

A massive flame stretched around from the Heavenly Demon’s Wheel.
Overwhelming pillars of fire surged in all directions. 

The heat seemed to distort space. 

A nearby soldier caught on fire, quickly disappearing into ashes. 

There were screams from all around. 

“Don’t come any closer! ”

“We’re being swept away!”

“Keep your distance! ”

The heat was so great that weak martial artists would lose their life just from being nearby. 

Woon-seong gripped his wheels tighter. 

“Try harder.

He threw the wheel at the Qingcheng swordsmen.

A huge wheel of flames crushed towards the soldiers. 

Seeing the scene, Woon-seong’s voice was cold as he declared:

“Today, the Qingcheng Sect shall be erased from the earth.” 


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