ld it be alright if he just poured his mana in as it was? Or should he apply it through the pseudo-circle that he used whenever he cast a spell? As he hid these worries, for now, he just poured in his mana.

Suddenly, he lost all sensation in his body.
He couldn’t hear anything, and he couldn’t smell anything.
Although his eyes shot open in alarm, he couldn’t see anything either.
He couldn’t see Mer, who had been right next to him, nor could he feel her presence.

“Ah,” he tried to voice this sound, but the noise failed to reach Eugene’s ear.

He couldn’t even hear the sounds of his own body.
It was only then that Eugene was somewhat able to grasp the situation he was in.

This was a world formed within his own mind.
Eugene’s body didn’t exist within this space.
Once he had connected to Witch Craft, only his consciousness was dragged into the depths of this place.

‘It’s similar to a dream… but also different.’

Things weren’t changing according to his will, like in a lucid dream.
And he wasn’t seeing any unpleasant hallucinations like in the bullshit pulled by Night Demons.
Instead, he just felt an overwhelming sense of powerlessness.
Since his body did not exist, he couldn’t move anything.

Among all of his senses that had been blocked off, only one sense remained accessible.

His sensitivity towards mana.
This mental world was packed full to the brim with mana.
Although this place was constructed in Eugene’s own consciousness, Witch Craft’s mana had flooded his head, creating an infinite sea of mana.

In the middle of this sea, Eugene’s sense of self wasn’t even as large as a grain of sand.
He couldn’t even wander around and explore as he wished.
So all he could do was contemplate the situation and wait.

‘The mana… I can move it a little.’

A little?

‘Oh, that’s right.
So this is all the mana that I have currently.’

Eugene realized that the mana he could move was the mana that belonged to his own consciousness.
But within this sea of mana, Eugene’s mana was just as small and insignificant as his sense of self.
If he gathered in all his mana, would he be able to get out of here? That was probably the case, but Eugene didn’t want to test that just now.

After all, he hadn’t seen anything yet.

Eventually, the mana—no, the sea began to move.
A huge wave formed in front of Eugene, only to become a single ring.

It was a Circle.
The single Circle began rotating slowly, then at some point, it accelerated so fast that he couldn’t even tell it was spinning.
With each rotation of the Circle, the mana that flooded this world was drawn into the circle’s rotation, copying it.
Through this, the Circle multiplied one at a time.

Of the levels of magical aptitude that was divided into Circles, the highest level was the Ninth Circle.

However, the copied Circles did not stop at nine.
The moment the Tenth Circle was created, the mana that had been drawn into the Circle’s rotation stopped, leaving an immense line of Circles.
These ten Circles separated, but after pulling apart, they joined together once more to form a single giant circle, and the center of this circle was filled with an infinite amount of mana.

That alone would have been alarming enough, but the phenomenon wasn’t done yet.
Countless Circles began to be created within the larger Circle.
One, two, three, four….
At this point, Eugene gave up on counting.
Having drawn out an infinite amount of mana, the greater Circle was creating an endless amount of Circles within it.
These Circles kept multiplying, dividing, intertwining, multiplying once again, dividing, and….

Although he was simply looking at it, just the sight of it alone was shaking Eugene’s consciousness.
It felt like an optical illusion that exhausted the mind and caused motion sickness, But no, it wasn’t an optical illusion.
Within that Circle, an infinite amount of Circles truly were repeatedly multiplying, dividing, and intertwining.

‘Even if I can see it, I don’t think I can understand it.’

All the magic that he had learned in his life until that point had felt like child’s play.

That was what Lovellian had said.

A glimpse of the truth.

That was how Melkith had described it.

Both of them were correct.
His consciousness wavered.
The transformations taking place with those infinite circles and all the possibilities that they contained—Eugene definitely couldn’t fully comprehend all of them.

However, he knew this much for sure.

The Wise Sienna, she was the most astounding and powerful wizard in human history.

‘Hold on….’

His consciousness began to collapse.
Eugene sensed what was currently happening to him.
An unstoppable shutter was about to close in his mind and cause him to fall unconscious.

‘I don’t want to faint, but….
Hold on, no way!’


—It might be better for you if you wear a diaper?


—You might just wet your pants a little.


Melkith’s earlier words weren’t just a joke.
Just when did he last… go to the bathroom…? Eugene desperately attempted to keep a hold of his consciousness, but in this world that was connected to Witch Craft, Eugene’s consciousness was pitifully weak.

Resistance was impossible.

‘No way! Please, my excellent body, you can’t let me down.’

Don’t let me piss myself.

With this earnest prayer, Eugene lost consciousness.

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