ntainer ” data-pub= ”f945e3bcc79c235c68e674ab0e2804ed ” data-adunit= ”28043 ” data-type= ”responsive ” data-format= ”standard ” data-init= ”false ”> ”Four Crude Tier Peak-Level Sky Grade Pills!

”…! ”

”…! ”

”…! ”

Elder Belias Alstreim suddenly possessed a flabbergasted expression on his face as he looked at the alchemist who concocted only two pills.
However, what he found shocking isn ’t the quantity of the pill but the pill itself!

This is a Joyful Bone Pill…? ”

That alchemist awkwardly smiled as he chuckled, ”Yes… ”

You ’re daring! ” Elder Belias Alstreim laughed out loud while ladies who knew what the Elegant Midnight Pill meant, blushed hard but pretended that they didn ’t know about it.
Dalila Leehan was the same.

”Two Normal Tier Peak-Level Sky Grade Pills! Don ’t worry.
You will definitely enter the top ten! ”

”…! ”

”…! ”

”…! ”

Elder Belias Alstreim announced the result of eleven of them before arriving before Sophie Alstreim, who took third place in the second round.

”Hand those pills over… ” Elder Belias Alstreim waved his hand like a rogue.

Sophie Alstreim giggled, ”Uncle, stop acting like a scoundrel…
Hehe… ”

She moved the lid of her cauldron before using her soul force to yank the pills out of it! Four pills flew outside first, followed by another pill.
With two vials in the web between her fingers, she gracefully swiped the incoming pills, bottling them up with a smile on her face before she presented them to Elder Belias Alstreim.

It was obvious that she knew what tier pills she had concocted since she had segregated them into two vials.

”Good! ” Elder Belias Alstreim reached out his hand to take the two vials, but it was suddenly taken away by Sophie Alstreim.

Her rosy lips widened, ”Don ’t tell me you ’ve kept the best for the last? ”

As she said so, she cast a glance at Davis and subconsciously flashed him a slightly seductive smile as she was interested in him despite him possessing two wives.

”Haha, I ’m not flouting the rules. ” Elder Belias Alstreim laughed, ”Alchemist Davis took the first place in the first round, and since he did not require to take part in the second round because he is seeded, his main ranking is still first.
Of course, I ’m going to keep the best for the last! ”

Sophie Alstreim saw that Alchemist Davis paid no heed to her, but she wasn ’t offended as she knew that he was now an alchemy expert who would soar in the future.
This is how it should be.
She promptly turned her head and gave the two vials to Elder Belias Alstreim.

”This is… ” Elder Belias Alstreim ’s eyes lit up, ”Serene Midnight Pill! ”

”The Serene Midnight Pill causes the user to undergo a qualitative transformation to their mind for a long period of time.
This is extremely useful in comprehending laws as it is able to keep one ’s mind concentrated on the laws instead of the contemporary world! ”

”That ’s right…
But that isn ’t its exact use as it is also used to accurately comprehend domain at the time of breaking through into the Law Dominion Stage! ”

Elder Belias nodded his head before he announced the results.

”Four Normal Tier Peak-Level Sky Grade Pill and a single Advanced Tier Peak-Level Sky Grade Pill! ”

”Very good! I ’m confident that you ’ll enter the top five! You have not disappointed your grandfather! ”

”I ’m hoping for the second place, but… ” Sophie Alstreim ’s voice became dull as she looked at Augustus Alstreim and Claudius Alstreim before frowning at Dalila Leehan.

As long as the pills that they ’ve created isn ’t higher in difficulty, tier, quality, and quantity, she knew that she was destined to be in second place.
As for the first, she obviously knew that she did not even possess a bit of chance to win against Dalila Leehan.

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