
Sorry, seems like a lot of work, but do your best!”


After being given the okay, I left the staff room satisfied.

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Now then, what club needs outside support.
If there isn’t any demand, then our support would be useless.
That’s why, with the leftover time during lunch, it’s time to find out which clubs need help.
After returning to the classroom, I asked Makoto about it.

“Does the badminton club have any problems with needing more people?”

“Hmmm… Not really,”



“Well, you see…”

I stopped myself in the middle of speaking.
That was dangerous.
Speaking of which, Makoto was one of the people who confessed to Arina.
He had confessed in the middle of the first year of high school.
I wasn’t there to see it in person, but I heard he took a break from club that day.
It seemed like he was pretty depressed.
As such, I won’t touch upon it.
I don’t have a hobby of digging up old wounds.

“I’m free so I just wanted to know if you needed any help.
There’s nothing much to it.”

“What is it, Sui? Did you suddenly want to join some club activities?”

“No no.
It was just on a whim.”

Next, I decided to ask Namiki Shirona, who went to the same middle school as me.
Shirona was in the next class over.
In other words, in the same class as Arina.

I think this every time, but visiting another class feels very strange.
It feels very difficult to enter or something like that.
There are so many students, that other classes are filled with people you don’t know.
So, it feels almost like a different world.

Gathering up my courage, I walk through the door.
An unknown world quickly opened up in front of me.
As expected, the environment was different.
Moving my head around to look for Shirona, I found a group of three female students engaged in conversation.
There she was.

“Shirona, can I ask you something?”

“Ah, Sui, what is it?”

“Eh! Shirona, is it your boyfriend? Is it?”

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The girls on the side made a fuss.
Shirona quickly and desperately denied their statement.

“What is it? It’s been a while since we’ve talked.”

“That’s true.
We ended up in different classes, and it was quite hard to adjust to new classmates and everything.”

“Heeh, he seems to have a nice relationship with Shirona, right?”

This girl really likes to talk…

“There’s nothing between me and Shirona.
It’s just that we were in the same middle school.


Why did she stammer there.

“I’m Yuuri.
Hiiragi Yuuri.
Nice to meet you.”

Next, the energetic girl next to her spoke up.

“I’m Miyanaka Ran.
Nice to meet you.”

What’s with the parade of self-introductions.
I only came here because I had business with Shirona.
However, I had no choice but to ride the wave.

“I’m Sakaki Sui.
I’m from the next class over.”

“What did you come here for, Sui?” Shirona asked.

“Shirona, you’re in the girl’s soft tennis club, right? Do you have anything that might need more help for?”


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Shirona thought about it.
While that happened, I looked around the classroom.
It looks like Arina wasn’t here.

“If I had to say it…”

“Oh, tell me, whatever it is.”

“Our club, doesn’t have enough people.
There are too many balls used during practice compared to the number of people able to retrieve it, so it becomes very inefficient.”

“I see.
Which means you want someone to pick up balls.”

Something like that.”

“Is it alright for us to help out? It’ll end up being complete volunteer work.”

“Eh, really? It’s going to be tough.
Rather, it won’t just be you, Sui?”

“There would be one more girl helping out.
She should have a good amount of ability and athleticism, so it should be enough.
What do you think?”

“What’s with that praise…?”

“For me, I would be really thankful having someone to pick up balls.”

Yuuri spoke up.
She’s also in the soft tennis club I see.

Then, Shirona-san, can we consider that a deal?”

It’s good, right Yuuri?”

“Completely okay.
Moreover, it’s very welcome.”


I was happy that I was able to get one deal.
Is this what it’s like to be a salesman? It’s a world filled with deception.

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