


It was like tricking the two of them, but it was the only way to win.
This is going to increase my sermon by several times.
The double enchantment of lightning and the enchantment with Zeal have about the same increase in status.
Considering that there was no spirit descent and Raiden armor, the status is lower than when I was being reckless a while ago, but it’s still high enough.

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“Interesting! You’re so fun!”

As this was being said, the dragon demon claded himself in flames.
I don’t know if he wasn’t serious before or if he’s just now waking up to more power.
But it’s certainly tougher than before.
I’d like to use my Raiden armor to counter it, but that would allow Yug to escape the enchantment.
I haven’t broken my promise now, so I’m not cheating!  By the way, the dragon demon doesn’t have Sophie’s magic wounds.
I wonder if he was healed by Im.
But still, I can’t find the important Im.
But I’ll leave that to Sophie.
I’ll concentrate on the dragon demon.

“Let’s go!”


And so began the third and final battle between the flame-clad demon and the white and yellow aura-clad me.


Sophia’s POV

“Good luck, Onii-chan.”

The battle between my brother and the demon has begun.
I’m watching over my brother as I casually follow him through it.
But that was a close call earlier.
I was in a good mood when he called my name, so I used charm magic.
My skill level in charm magic is 1.
So, it’s only effective to give a little boost to the atmosphere.
I was so close to kissing my brother….
I almost killed that dragon demon.
But I held back for my brother’s sake.
More importantly, now is the time to go to…….

“I’m your opponent.
Don’t get in my brother’s way.”

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I used gravity magic to forcibly pull the bokuko closer to me as she was slowly melting and inching closer to my brother.

“… did you forget that you owe me?”

“Doesn’t the fact that I’m not heading to kill your main body right now mean that I’ve already paid my debt?”

“Huh! You knew that!”

This one here is a fake.
The main body is probably fighting with one of the elves.
It’s a bit much to expect a body double to fight me.

“Do you think you can be bullish about this?”

As she said that, she spread her arms wide.
But nothing happens.

“Spatial magic is my specialty, you know.
Now you’re embarrassed, aren’t you?”


I was separated from my brother because of the long transition interval.
That’s why I trained so hard in spatial magic.
This demon is looking at me with regret, it feels so good.
I want to keep my eyes on my brother, so I don’t want to kill her regardless of what I owe her.
But at least while I’m watching my brother, I might as well hurt this double to the point that it affects the main body.

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