TL: Moonlit

I made a mistaaaaaake!!!! >.< The Ge was actually a name >.< and not a title T^T It was actually Nan Ge and not Brother Nan XD…

Shu Shuishui touched left and right, then withdrew his paws, carefully examining them over and over again but didn’t find any strange colors.

The three couldn’t help but smile at this adorable action, and Nan Ge was surprised, wondering if the mouse understood what they were saying.
“Did it understand?” Why else would it touch its own head?

Yu Jin smirked mischievously, wanting to see Nan Ge’s frightened expression.
“Not only does it understand, but, come on little guy, introduce yourself.”

Shu Shuishui maintained its poking and prodding motion without making a sound, contemplating whether or not to take out a small mirror to check.
Could it be that the green bedsheet and quilt had faded?

Thinking about waking up and finding everything green around, Shu Shuishui suddenly worried about his humanoid pet’s aesthetic sense.
He didn’t expect that humanoid pets liked the color green so much.
It seemed that in the future, when giving gifts to humanoid pets, green should be the first choice.

After waiting for a while, Yu Jin didn’t hear the logically clear self-introduction from the little dormouse.

After a long silence, Yu Jin awkwardly cleared his throat.
“Let me introduce the new member, Shu Shuishui, ‘Shu’ as in comfortable, ‘Shui’ as in fruit, and ‘Shui’ as in fruit juice.”

Nan Ge looked at Yu Jin with an expression that said, “Is it fun to stage a performance?”

Meanwhile, Shu Shuishui at the staircase stuck its little head out to defend itself.
“It’s ‘Shui’ as in water droplets, ‘shui’ as in fruit.”

Nan Ge turned back in astonishment, looking at where the voice came from.

Yu Jin finally got to see Nan Ge’s dumbfounded expression as he responded to Shu Shuishui with a hint of amusement.
“Aren’t water droplets and fruit juice the same thing?”

Unexpectedly, Shu Shuishui was particularly serious and persistent about this issue, clutching the railing and poking his little head out.
“Of course, they’re not the same.
Water droplets are the source of life, and fruit juice is sweet.
It’s only after the source of life is born that it becomes sweet.
It’s a matter of logic!”

Yu Jin: “…,” feeling like there was some truth to it, speechless.

Nan Ge became even more bewildered.
Not only could the mouse talk, but it also knew about logic.
Was this a joke? “Boss, is this a robot you’ve newly developed?” Nan Ge and Yu Jin seemed to have collided with their imagination and wandered into the same thought.

Shu Shuishui, on the stairs, heard itself being mistaken for a robot for the second time and finally decided to defend itself.
“I’m such a big dormouse.
Where do I look like a human? Humans don’t have as much fur as me!”

After speaking, Shu Shuishui proudly smoothed its fur to fully showcase its fluffiness.

Nan Ge and Yu Jin: “…,” So, what’s there to be proud of about being fluffy?

Shu Shuishui seemed to understand what the two were thinking and lifted its little head slightly.
“Being fluffy means you’re not afraid of the cold.
You guys are all bare, so you’re trying to avoid the cold wave, right?”

The words “bare” struck the three of them heavily on the head, leaving them silent and unable to argue.

Nan Ge looked at Yu Jin.
“Is it just my imagination, or do I feel like what it said makes sense?”

Yu Jin remained silent for a moment.
“I feel the same.
What should we do?”

The two looked at Gu Langu.

Gu Langu remained calm.
“Ah Shui is right.”

The two “…”

In the end, regarding the matter of fluffiness, Shu Shuishui emerged victorious.

It seemed that this small victory gave Shu Shuishui some confidence.
He cautiously walked out from behind the railing, then mustered the courage to flip down a step and immediately hid behind the railing, peeking at Nan Ge’s position.
Seeing that Nan Ge didn’t move or make any aggressive gestures, he flipped down another step.

Nan Ge was silently speechless and quietly asked Yu Jin beside him, “Was it like this when he first saw you?”

Yu Jin found it strange as he watched the overly cautious Shu Shuishui.
“No, although it was a bit shy at first, it quickly remembered my name.”

Finally, after more than ten minutes, Shu Shuishui reached the first floor and then scurried all the way, running to Gu Langu’s side.
It was about to climb up Gu Langu’s trouser leg when Gu Langu scooped it up with one hand and placed it on the table.

Shu Shuishui held onto Gu Langu’s fingers with its paws, and Gu Langu hesitated to withdraw his hand, eventually placing it on the table as well.
Shu Shuishui looked up, trying to make his self appear more imposing.
“Hello, I’m Shu Shuishui, ‘Shu’ as in comfortable, ‘Shui’ as in water droplets, and ‘Shui’ as in juice.”

Nan Ge couldn’t help but smile.
“Hello, I’m Nan Ge.”

After Nan Ge finished speaking, Shu Shuishui tilted his little head, seemingly contemplating, and then turned around, facing away from him, and said, “Nan Ge? I remembered it.”

Nan Ge: ??? If it remembered, it remembered.
Why did it have to turn away?

On the side, Yu Jin laughed heartily.
“It turned to face the south, so that’s why it remembered?”

Nan Ge suddenly realized.
It turned out that he was sitting facing north, and when Shu Shuishui turned around, it naturally faced south.
Was this the association mnemonic technique for remembering other people’s names? It’s… so adorable.

Gu Langu’s fingers gently stroked Shu Shuishui’s little head, running through its fluffy fur from the top of its head to its back.

When Shu Shuishui turned back around, Nan Ge teasingly said, “I also have a younger brother named Nan Fang.
How will you remember him?”

The little dormouse tilted its head, very confused, and asked, “Your brother? Shouldn’t he be called Nan Di1Since Nan Ge could also mean elder brother Nan.
So Shu Shuishui made a joke that Nan Ge’s brother should be called Nan Di, which means younger brother Nan.?”

Nan Ge was speechless.

Yu Jin burst into laughter.

Nan Ge believed that Shu Shuishui was not a robot created by Gu Langu because Gu Langu’s thinking would never produce such a witty and entertaining robot.

Under Gu Langu’s continuous petting, Shu Shuishui slowly sprawled out on the table, turning into a pancake-shaped dormouse.
Occasionally, it even extended its little paws to adjust the position of Gu Langu’s fingers, making itself more comfortable.

After this comical introduction, the three returned to their initial topic, but this time, there was a little dormouse on the table earnestly listening.

In front of the three individuals, there are currently two options.
One is to stay in Zone C and wait for the cold wave to end.
Based on the information detected by Gu Langu, they don’t have to worry about the impact of electromagnetic storms within the next six months.
If the cold wave period ends and the weather warms up, they can migrate and leave before the electromagnetic storm arrives.
However, the risk of this choice is that if the cold wave this year is particularly long, they would have to migrate during the harsh winter to avoid the electromagnetic storm.

The second option is to immediately proceed with the migration.
This way, they wouldn’t have to worry about the cold wave or the electromagnetic storm.
However, they currently lack sufficient manpower and resources, and the destination for migration is also uncertain.
It is very likely that they might lose even their initial shelter by making a hasty move.

Nan Ge prefers to stay and accumulate resources during the next six months, and once the direction and distribution of the cold wave are determined, they can then migrate.
On the other hand, Yu Jin prefers to leave as soon as possible and plan ahead.
As for Gu Langu, he has been busy stroking the dormouse and hasn’t expressed his opinion.

Both Yu Jin and Nan Ge have become accustomed to Gu Langu’s style since his way of making judgments is always filled with uncertainty and unknowns, which even Gu Langu himself cannot predict.

Gu Langu has always had a passive and indifferent attitude, saying things like “okay,” “whatever,” and “it’s fine.” After all, he is a semi-mechanical being without any ambitions.

Listening to Yu Jin and Nan Ge’s analysis, Shu Shuishui’s little head keeps turning from one side to another, looking quite busy.

Finally, Shu Shuishui couldn’t help but raise his little paws like a good student.
“I have a question.”

The three of them focused their gaze on Shu Shuishui, lowering their heads to look.
The cookie-shaped dormouse on the table suddenly bounced up, spreading his two short legs apart and sitting on the table.

Yu Jin and Nan Ge, who had just shown some concern, immediately softened their voices.
“Please ask.”

Shu Shuishui used his paws to touch both sides of his cheeks, lifting the fur that had drooped down a bit to maintain his fluffy appearance.
“What exactly is the cold wave?”

Yu Jin wanted to pat Shu Shuishui’s little head, but Shu Shuishui quickly raised his paw to cover it.
Yu Jin had to change his target and touched Shu Shuishui’s two small feet instead.

As a result, Shu Shuishui changed his sitting position from a cross-legged one to a lotus position, hugging his small feet.
“Do you know that in the zoo, for rare species like me, it costs money just to take a look?”

Yu Jin became interested.
“Oh, then what species are you?”

Shu Shuishui turned his head.
“I’m not telling you!” Just kidding, would I easily reveal my fatal weakness of loving to sleep?

Yu Jin didn’t rush and couldn’t accurately identify Shu Shuishui’s exact species, but he was sure it was some kind of rodent.
“Ah Shui, you haven’t been on Cang Zhan Star for long, right?”

Shu Shuishui nodded his little head.
“Yeah! I’ve been here for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…” Shu Shuishui counted on his little paws, finally concluding, “Many days.”

Yu Jin couldn’t help but laugh again, finding Shu Shuishui to be full of amusing moments.
After laughing enough, he cleared his throat and explained the cold wave.
“Cang Zhan Star doesn’t have four seasons; there are only two seasons, summer and winter.
Summer is divided into the dry season and rainy season, while winter is divided into the cold wave season and freezing season.”

Yu Jin and the others hadn’t been on Cang Zhan Star for a long time.
They had only been there for a little over half a year and hadn’t experienced a complete year.
However, this didn’t stop them from collecting information.
According to the information they obtained, during the winter on Cang Zhan Star, the average temperature is around minus 70 degrees.
The cold wave season is accompanied by heavy snowstorms, making it almost impossible to go outside.

During the freezing season, the snowstorms intensify, and the temperature drops even further.
In some areas, super snowstorms can form storms, with temperatures reaching as low as minus 273 degrees.
The good news is that currently, no area on Cang Zhan Star has recorded a winter temperature of minus 273 degrees.

While listening to Yu Jin’s explanation, Shu Shuishui absentmindedly rubbed his paws together to generate heat.
It seemed that even the coldest places on Earth didn’t reach minus 100 degrees.
What does minus 273 degrees really mean?

Gu Langu reached out and held Shu Shuishui’s little paw, consciously raising the temperature of his palm.

Shu Shuishui: ( ̄︶ ̄), after feeling the warmth in the paw, obediently approached and presented his little head.


Author’s Note:

Minus 273 degrees—theoretically absolute zero.

1Since Nan Ge could also mean elder brother Nan.
So Shu Shuishui made a joke that Nan Ge’s brother should be called Nan Di, which means younger brother Nan.

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