the extract?
Should I soak mint in the Nippy Liquor? No, that would still be liquor, not usable for making ice cream, no? Ah, how about extracting essence by boiling? Yep, let’s give it a try.
When it comes to alcohol and ice cream, wouldn’t something like rum raising ice cream be possible to make with brandy? It’s an adult flavor that I couldn’t let the children try, but I might give it a try~
My~ how troubling.
There are so many things I want to try~

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I have also not made any sorbet and shaved ice until now.
Well, I will need to have an ice-shaving machine made for the shaved ice, though! Will that magic tool shop uncle be able to make one for me, I wonder?
There’s the matter of hotplate too, why don’t I go inquire tomorrow?

“”Onii~chan, eggs are split~””
“You two are so skilled at this!”

Wow~ they really improved~ some time ago when they were crushing the eggs already feels nostalgic.

“Then, I will go prepare the ingredients now, why don’t you two mix next?”

In the end, we made milk flavor, chocolate flavor, and Ichi flavor with chocolate chips.
Then, we made black tea flavor, milk tea, ice cream from black sesame paste, ice cream with mixed red bean paste, one with Kukuru fruit that I soaked in brandy and mint ice cream.

“Ah~ this is also no good, huh~”

Most of the ice creams came out well, but only this mint ice cream keeps failing.
Because the mint extract is too light, the mint’s fragrance is hardly there.
The mint’s flavor can be hardly experienced.
If I did not know there was mint in it, I would think it’s simple milk-flavored ice cream.

“As milk ice cream, it is.”
“”Mint? Can smell~””

I believe mint to be a flavor that you either love or hate, but Allen and Elena seem to like it.
Although I say that, it’s not like there’s enough of it in the mint ice cream they are currently eating.

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“But, it’s supposed to have a bit deeper taste, you know? I won’t keep trying today, but let’s give it a try next time.”
“”Looking forward to it~””

Let’s try making mint ice cream in my free time again.
… Oops, let’s send the ice cream to Syl before I forget again.

“All right, this should be good——well then, shall we bring chocolate chips milk and chocolate ice creams in bowls and charge at Matthias-san and Rebecca-san?”

Matthias-san and Rebecca-san are home today, so when I proposed that, Allen and Elena’s eyes sparkled.


Allen and Elena then proceeded to literally charge at Matthias-san and Rebecca-san.

“Oh my, oh my, assault of cuteness came our way.”
“My, oh my, you are right.
Welcome, you two.
What is the matter?”

Matthias-san and Rebecca-san who were enjoying tea together warmly welcomed the two.

“We made ice~”
“Let’s eat together~”
“My, I am so happy~”

After that, I was enjoying ice cream with everyone so I did not notice that Syl send me a great quantity of Mou Milk and Treasure eggs.
Is he perhaps trying to tell me to make ice cream again?

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