rtake in a long drawn seige war against the holed up elites , as one needed a city full of supplies to feed a 25 million strong army.

Although the army could move through Aquahose kingdom unperturbed , if it wished to set up an actual food chain and control mechanism for importing food from friendly nations , the forces that scar-face would finally have left for war would not even be a full 5 million.

Hence a drawn out war was catastrophic for the merchants , much more so than for the elites and also the reason behind why day 3 was the boiling point for the group.

Uptil now the elites had unexpectedly put up a strong resistance by shocking them time and time again , otherwise there was no fundamental strategy error committed by the blood merchants.

Their losses , undoubtedly heavy , were the lowest that they could have got out of the situation as while Rudra could think of a hundered worse decisions made , he could only think of one better .

All this culminated in day 3 of war starting , as it was a literal , jam packed sea of humans crashing into another sea of humans.

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