th bright colors and deafening sounds.


The domain is a world of the night compared to the bright day outside, but the figures become visible every moment, especially the two rainbow eyes monkeys, which are clashing against the Urta of the Black Mantisman tribe.

The monkeys have dark yellow fur and diamond eyes, which shine in the dark brightly.
One would begin to feel the hallucinations.

Its sharp blades are clashing against the long nails of monkey monsters, which are big as me, and seeing their size, one might even think they might be just malnourished apes, but no.
They are monkeys, their physiology, movements, and fighting style is all monkey.

They are powerful; handling even one of them would be difficult for me, and now the Urta is fighting against two, and it will have to bring out even more power than right now if it wants to do something against these monkeys.

Its condition is not good but is not bad either, the same with monkeys, who had few injuries on their bodies.

These monkeys are not only attacking with their long nails but also through their diamond eyes, which are sending sharp beams of psychedelic energy.
It was avoiding most of them with its speed, but some of them were striking it.

’That purple brick seemed really powerful,’ I said to myself; there is a tiny brick that is floating above the Grimms, which would absorb most of the psychedelic energy; more than 90% of the energy would get absorbed by it, but that is not making it happy.

Every time the psychedelic beam hit, its face looked like it had eaten shit, and I could understand why.

The purple brick is an extremly powerful artifact, and the only reason it is even capable of fighting against the monkeys but this powerful artifact is consumable in nature.
Each hit would consume it faster, and after observing it for a while, I could tell more than half of its power had already been drained.

”You bastard monkeys.
If you had met me outside, I would have drained your blood and flayed your skins already,” It shouted and went toward the monkeys in fury who declared before disappearing, making the whole domain dark as a starless night for a moment.

They appeared the very next moment and clashed.

I have to say, this domain is quite powerful, not only it isolating sound and aura but also absorbing the powerful shockwaves created by the attack.
The small area in the domain had been utterly destroyed, but on the outside, everything was fine.

Twelve minutes passed, and three of them continued to battle.
They have accumulated a few more injuries, and the purple brick floating above the head of Grimm became even more.
The main reason for Grimms burning anger is its inability to do anything against these frustratingly strong monkey monsters.

I could tell it was becoming desperate; that brick was its lifeline in this ruin, and these monkeys seemed to have wasted a lot of chunk of it.
If I had been in its place, I would have been angry and scared, as these would not be the last enemies I would face, and I would need that brick for what was next to come.

”You damn monkeys; you have forced me!” said the Black Mantisman, and it looked down on the tiny monkeys.
The powerful bloodline aura exploded out of its body.
It was powerful that it had immediately stopped the frustrating deckering of the monkeys.

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