two little lads do it?!

What was the connection between these unfamiliar, fierce-looking men around her and these two kids?

She was absolutely puzzled.

In her eyes, these two were merely seven-year-olds and still in kindergarten; they were surely unable to do anything to her!

She regarded everything in front of her as a farce!

She had got it wrong, though.

Some people seemed weak but may not be in actuality.

In contrast, they may be strong and powerful.

Youyou regarded her with cold indifference and disgust.

His rosy lips parted.
“Are you sober?”

His voice was ever so frosty.

She tensed for a bit and shook her head unconsciously before nodding again in contraction when she realized what he was asking.

At the side, Little Yichen scoffed.
“Bad woman!”

Furious at this, she wanted to castigate him but could only snort when she realized that her mouth was stuffed.

“Let her speak,” ordered the younger lad.

Li Dongqiang, therefore, pulled out the cloth in her mouth.

Finally able to speak, her first words were filled with hostility.
“Hey, you two little devils! What do you wanna do? What games are you playing by abducting me?!”

She was originally wasted, but she sobered up a little after vomiting and getting knocked out by a rod.

Plus, when she woke up and got watered by a basin of cold water, she naturally sobered up further.

The alcohol in her system was not entirely gone, though.

In her drunken state, she spoke in hostility.

Yun Tianyou raised a brow.

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