
The king, not particularly interested in the report, looks into my eyes.

「By the way, do you know anything about the attack on Rosario?」

Being asked so suddenly confused me a little.

I didn’t get any words of gratitude and it was like the Libatis war didn’t exist in his mind, which irritated me slightly.
Yet I can’t throw a tantrum like a child in this setting.

「Lord Radhalde provided me with a summary――」

The king immediately shakes his head and cuts me off.

「I don’t mean that.
I’m asking whether you know anybody who conspired or cooperated with the attackers or anybody acting suspiciously.
Or perhaps you planned this yourself……I want to know.」

What is the king saying?
I interpret it as a joke, but I would be smart to listen to Erich’s warning and answer seriously.
Besides, I’m getting a bad feeling.

「I apologize, I do not know anything.
I have been abroad fighting as reinforcements for Libatis and as such I have not heard anything aside from passing remarks.」

The king stares into my eyes for a few seconds.
He didn’t seem to be briefly frightened or doubtful.
Rather, he looked stern and intellectual, reminiscent of how he initially was when he first became king.

While I’m not into men staring at me, I don’t have a guilty conscience, so it really doesn’t bother me.
It’s possible that I looked suspicious.

「Umu, I guess that’s true.
You wouldn’t know anything.」

The king stands up after slapping his knee.

That gesture was done boldly and his voice was booming.
Everything reminded me of the king from before who was overflowing with energy.

No, something is off.
Despite his eyes, his voice and his gestures being grand, the aura he’s giving off is strange.

「I believe you should know after hearing it from Lord Radhalde that Goldonia is currently rampant with conspirator scum who injured my precious woman.
You’re a womanizer as well, so you must be familiar with this feeling that churns your stomach, no?」

He is smiling even though he should be angry.

「Yes Your Majesty, there is no merit to leaving cowards who target helpless women alive.」

Those are my true feelings.

「Exactly! All the dirty criminals who are lower than livestock must be given cruel deaths beyond imagination.
Of course that goes for their parents, siblings, and friends!」

The king places his hand on the sword at his hip, catches himself doing something unbecoming in the next moment, and then returns to his seat on the throne.

Dismembering the criminals alive is fine, but killing those unrelated is of no use.

「I hold you in high regard.
That’s why I want you to, after returning to Rafen, comply with my wishes and use your military prowess to exterminate all the traitors.
After all, I am short-handed with so many of them running around.」

「Yes Your Majesty, at anytime.」

An eerie smile emerges on the king’s face and then he proceeds to go off on a tangent.

「In the past, the meat of that black beast you sent was a true delicacy.
Rosario and I both enjoyed that steak……」

The king stops himself.

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「That’s right…… I remember now.
Chef Bolbord…… he ignored how Rosario wanted steak for dinner and served stew instead…… he must have hated Rosario…… so he plotted to attack her……」

In an instant, the king’s smile transformed into an angry frown.

「Bolbord is a traitor! Seize him right away!」

Without delay, royal guards answer the king’s angry shout and runs off to carry out his order.

No, that’s overkill no matter how you look at it.
The chef just made a small mistake and even if he hated Rosario, he wouldn’t transition to assassinating her so quickly.

Still, the ministers and close aides around him are simply looking down without saying a word.

「Sorry Hardlett! I must ascertain the capture of traitors, so we shall leave things here for now!」

A smile once again decorates the king’s face, one that has no trace of sadness.

I see what Erich means now.
This isn’t good.
He is worse than before at listening to others’ advice.

Before parting, I ask the king one question.

「Your Majesty, do you have many people whom you suspect are traitors?」

I receive a prompt answer from the king.

「Hahaha, I am not full of doubt and mistrust like I was before.
I do not suspect anyone anymore.」

What a surprising response.

「If I think an individual is wrong, then that individual is a traitor, if not then that individual is innocent.
The word “suspect” no longer exists.」

Aah, so that’s the point he has gotten to.

No further words come out of my mouth and the audience ends with a final bow from me.

Something with wheels follows behind the king.
It is a pedestal with four steel walls forming a box and has around a hundred soldiers guarding it.
That is a strange object to see beside a king…… no, it would be a strange sight anywhere.


I leave a residential building with an indescribable feeling.

「Wait…… please, more…… do it until I break……」

I gently shake free from the woman tangled around my leg and kiss her.

I’m happy she enjoyed herself, but the intense sex we had made her hips give out and her pussy swollen.
Doing anymore will certainly break her.
If that happened, I wouldn’t know how to apologize to Erich.

「I’ll be waiting, so come whenever you want…… really, anytime is fine.
Whether it’s in the middle of the night or at dawn, I’ll be waiting……」

When I exit the house, there is a black-painted carriage is waiting outside.
It clearly seems shady.
Are assassins going to come out from it?

I put my hand on my Dual Crater just in case.

「Lord Hardlett, I will explain the situation to you later.
For now, please get in.」
「Oh sure.」

A young female appeared from inside the carriage.
I get in even though I don’t know what’s going on.

「……you’re not going to have any kind of doubt?」
「Well, you’re beautiful.」

The woman looks puzzled, though it doesn’t seem like he has bad intentions.
I have no idea where we’re going, but I’ll come along if I can touch that ass for the whole trip.

「Ooh, it’s Rebecca.」

I was taken to an ordinary house…… which is actually a disguise for a secret information officer base.

「You came without realizing? Well, I did use that girl to ensure that wouldn’t happen.」

How sad, Rebecca doesn’t show me a smile after such a long reunion.
Her face is tense and she doesn’t seem to be very relaxed in general.

「You are aware of the situation that His Majesty is in, right?」

That was enough for me to have a good grasp.

「His Majesty has lost his mind after Rosario got hurt.
On His Majesty’s orders, I have already captured, interrogated and executed hundreds of people regardless of their proven innocence.」


Before I could say anything more, Rebecca goes on.

「This incident has made the king lose much of his trust in me.
……it can’t be considered absolute trust anymore.
If I hesitate to follow his orders, the next person to be executed as a traitor will probably be me.
Several information officers have already been executed for just that.」

「That’s crazy……」

「Yes, it’s quite crazy.
That’s why I want to warn you to be extremely careful, as well as inform you of a certain conspiracy.」

Consulting me on conspiracies?
Is this a good idea? I have serious doubts.

「At this rate, Goldonia will truly become a mess.
We must end this turmoil as quickly as possible.
The thing is, His Majesty doesn’t listen to anybody…… the ringleaders have all been executed long ago.」

So the culprits were already captured.

「The name of the ringleaders’ group is “the nationalist faction” and they’re actually nothing more than an insignificant underground organization, except that worked against them.
They were too small of an organization.」

According to Rebecca, those guys were made up of tax officials and low-grade military commanders.

「His Majesty couldn’t accept that.
He figured there must be a more powerful mastermind pulling the strings.」

Is that how it is?
From the way the king was speaking, I thought it was something different…… it felt like a defiant presence.
I’m sure Rebecca is much more knowledgeable in conspiracies, so I’ll keep the thought to myself.

「That’s why a scapegoat is needed.
A fabricated story will pin the title of mastermind on someone, then using the capture of that traitor, the entire group of traitors will be cleaned up, successfully closing the curtains on this incident.」

A pretty malicious plan.
Although it isn’t the most pleasant thing to hear, I’m a little curious as to who the sacrifice is.

「Military Commissioner Marquess Radhalde――」
「You can’t.」

I grab Rebecca by her shoulders.

Erich isn’t one of my women, however I owe him and more importantly he’s a nice guy.
Framing him for a crime he didn’t commit is something I won’t allow even if it’s Rebecca.

Now that I’ve heard it, I’m obligated to stop it.
If she isn’t willing to abandon the plan, I’ll push her down right now and fuck her until she says she’ll stop.
If I have to, I don’t mind being villified as a rapist.

「……fuh, you pass.」

Right when I was about to loosen Rebecca’s belt, she gives me a small smile.
Then she also pinches my hand hard.

「It isn’t Lord Radhalde we’re going to be setting up.
Moreover, I don’t want to give you anymore information.
It’ll get leaked.」

Wow, she trusts me so little.
I’m so sad.

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「Please tell Lord Radhalde of this.
Not too long from now, suspicion will be placed on someone important, and while that individual might be innocent, this is all for the sake of the kingdom so I don’t want him to interfere.
Lord Radhalde won’t go along if he hears it from an untrustworthy source or from me, but it’s different with you.」

Fumu, if that’s how it is I’ll gladly do it.

「Wouldn’t it be better if I told him a name to go along with the information?」

「Lord Hardhalde is wise.
He will understand even without the name.
……besides, would it not ruin your mood if you know the name of a person who will be killed for a false charge?」

I guess that’s true.
I nod to show her I understand.

「This is a secret.
Don’t tell anybody before or after it happens no matter what.
Not to your wife, your subordinates or even that Celia-san.」

「Celia is a part of me……」

Celia betraying me is like my own hand betraying me, that’s how ridiculous the thought of it is.

「Your bottom half always betrays you! Anyways, don’t tell anybody aside from Lord Radhalde.
I’m trusting you!」

「I understand.」

Fine, it can’t be helped.
I promised, so I won’t tell anyone.

「In exchange, I will give you a reward if the plan goes smoothly.
What would you like――」

「Your body.
That goes for your vagina obviously and everything else from the depths of your womb to your ass.」

In the end, she pinches my nose hard and I turn to leave the room while sniffling.

「Oh right.
I forgot.」

「What is it?」

I forgot to tell the king about Jim and the others.

「I brought back members of congress and soldiers from Libatis as refugees.
Letting them stay in the capital looks impossible so I plan to take them to Rafen with me, that’s why please make something up if they are likely to be discovered.」

I don’t think I forgot anything.
Let’s go home.

I think I hear Rebecca screaming.

「Argh, dropping such a bomb at the last moment!! Goshーーー!!」

–Third Person POV–

Side Story: Christoph’s Struggles 1

Christoph’s anguished cries echo in a gloomy underground room.

「……and then, it became like that.」
「Pfft! You are a real idiot, you know?」

Being crammed in a room where the sun doesn’t shine, Christoph’s degree of exhaustion grows.

「Ah, that looks tasty.
Yes, that, speaking of tasty, you know cookies~」
「Hm, if you want it, eat all you want.
――ahahahaha! Why cookies of all things!?」

The interrogation has already lasted several hours and Christoph’s stamina is reaching its limits.

「Fumufumu, and then?」
「That acquaintance did this~」

The snacks and tea left on the table emphasized the cruelty of the interrogation even more.

「Nu, is it that time already? That’s it for today.」
「Aah, I’m so thirsty.」

Christoph’s cup is empty, but the torturer shows no mercy.
Tea was poured from a porcelain pot into the cup and the liquid was mercilessly poured into Christoph’s throat.

That was when the sound of tapping as someone descends the stairs can be heard.

「Not good, it’s time for the guy next door to be interrogated.
Christoph, let out some screams.」

The female torturer grabs a whip and viciously lashes it at the floor several times.

「Uwaaaaah! Uwaaaaah!」

Christoph yells after every whack of the whip.
It was a very terrifying sound.

「Fuuh, let’s leave it here for today.
Go to sleep and recover your strength.
An even more severe interrogation will await you tomorrow.」

「I’d like some booze tomorrow……」

The female torturer mercilessly crushes Cristoph’s only hope.

「Geez, only a little bit, you hear.
Are you okay with wine?」

That was how Christoph’s harsh day ended.

「Hey you.」

「The one you’re in charge of is the only one not injured.」
「His body is pretty strong.
Besides, purely injuring them is the work of a second-rate torturer.
If they die, then nothing comes of it.」

「Isn’t he looking brighter day by day?」
「He’s surprisingly tough.
He must be the type who gets full of energy when faced with adverse circumstances.」

「The guy next door says he can hear laughing.」
「Insults are more effective than torture against the body of that kind of guy.
I’m really scorning him.」

The torture will continue tomorrow.
And so will Christoph’s fate.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett.
24 years old.
Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave.
Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area.
Mountain Legend.
Friend of the Dwarves.
Friend of the King of Aless.
Dragon Slayer Hero.
Elf Mediator.
Sex King of White City.

Nonna (legal wife, plump), Carla (concubine), Mel (concubine), Miti (concubine), Maria (concubine), Catherine (concubine)
Gretel (dog wife), Melissa (mother), Kuu (lover), Ruu (lover), Mireille (lover), Pipi (troubled)
Casie (ghost), Rita (head maid), Yoguri (playwright), Alice (ass lover), Leah (lover)
Marceline (lover), Daughters – Stephanie (lover), Bridget (lover), Felicie (lover)
Natia (complete), Sofia (loved one), Sekrit (loved one)
Sebastian (butler), Dorothea (capital mansion supervisor), Claudia (lump of meat), Clara (female attendant)
Celestina (return preparations), Monica (maid), Adela (pro lover)

Celia (adjutant), Myla (commander), Marta (attendant), Irijina (commander), Peticheri (confused), Luna (commander), Ruby ( ), Gido (escort unit), Polte (domestic affairs official)
Leopolt (staff officer), Tristan (distressed), Adolph (head of domestic affairs), Claire & Laurie (carnage), Lilian (actress), Kroll (servant), Alma (servant)

Brynhildr (angry), Lammy (lamia), Alraune (bare), Mirumi (mermaid)
Pochi (armored heavy-powered aerial giant lizard), Messerschmitt (sleeping), Schwartz (tired), Felteris (discovered)

Citizens: 212,000.
Refugees: 5,000
Major Cities – Rafen: 37,000.
Lintbloom: 6500.
Special Cultivation District: 14,000.

Escort: 150 men
Infantry: 14 500, Cavalry: 1500, Archers: 1500, Bow Cavalry: 2400, Cannoneers: 400 (reserve bow cavalry mobilized)
Cannons: 60, Large Cannons: 30, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Chariots: 45

Reserve Army: 0 men.
Security Unit: 200 men.

Assets: 2050 gold
Sexual Partners: 586, children who have been born: 68 + 565 fish

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