Chapter 128: Night Raid Operation against the Lamaron Army


The Lamaron Imperial Expeditionary Force is composed of four main corps.
These include the central force led by General Cauris, the overall commander, the First Corps securing the front line, the Second Corps on the left flank, and the Third Corps on the right flank.


General Cauris was troubled.
The commander of the Second Corps, General Jizeu, who possessed excellent command abilities when it came to defending their own position, had fallen for the enemy’s provocation and moved the army accordingly.


The left flank where the Second Corps was deployed was also adjacent to the border of the Juka side.
In case the Demon Lord’s army appeared, they had stationed many barrier specialists there.
However, half of them had been defeated.


“Once again, I will make it clear.
No generals should move their forces without my orders.
Especially the Third Corps, be thorough.”


Deputy General Sheeva of the Third Corps bowed apologetically.


After sending the staff officers back to their positions, General Cauris found himself alone and sighed as he gazed at the Imperial Army dyed by the sunset spread out below.


General Cauris and Commander Armond had contrasting attitudes towards their battle.
General Cauris believed that a true commander should analyze the battlefield calmly from the rear and issue appropriate orders, considering that everything would be over if the general died.
Therefore, it was out of the question for himself to be on the front line.
On the other hand, Commander Armond believed that he should take command at the forefront and inspire the soldiers by risking his own life, considering that it was impossible to fight without raising the soldiers’ morale.


This difference between Cauris, who received an excellent education at the Imperial Officer Academy, and Armond, who climbed up the ranks through sheer skill, was essentially a clash between theory and practical experience.
Unfortunately, there was no talent in this army who could bridge the gap between these two.


Both perspectives were correct.
However, this made the situation more complicated.
General Cauris, fully aware of this, pondered how he could move Commander Armond, who had unmatched talent but was incompatible, to his advantage.



“The sun is setting.
Shall we begin soon?”


I signaled Kunogen.


“Then, I’ll make preparations.”


“Thank you.”


After confirming Kunogen’s disappearance into the forest, I turned my gaze to Sadakichi, the Fairy Dragon waiting in the rear.


“Sadakichi, it’s your turn.
I’m counting on you.”


“Leave it to me.”


Sadakichi and the other twenty Fairy Dragons took off.
I created fog directed towards the river flowing from the Ilegi River to the Juka side and the mountains on the opposite bank.


“Huh? What’s that? Fog?”


Nageshi, the commander of the Lamaron Army’s Second Corps, noticed the anomaly in the border area on the Juka side.


As the sun set and darkness rapidly enveloped the surroundings, they were lighting their campfires.
In the dim light, they could vaguely see the mountains being quickly engulfed by pure white smoke.
As Nageshi was about to report this to the corps commander and leave the spot, another soldier raised his voice.


“W-What’s that? Is the river… on fire?”


Looking ahead, although the river was shrouded in fog, it seemed like flames were flickering beyond it.
Moreover, they were massive.
There was a towering pillar of fire, possibly tens of meters high.
And it seemed to be growing larger in proportion to the speed of the sunset.


“Hey, hurry up! I don’t care how sloppy it is, just hurry!”


On the other side of the fog, Kunogen was urging his subordinates.


“Well, even if they say ‘slack off,’ it’s surprisingly hard to slack off,”


“Whatever it takes, hurry up! It’s about to start!”


Kunogen’s unit had placed logs on the river and built huge towers on top of them.
Moreover, several towers were constructed across the entire width of the river.
They were setting fire to them from the assembled structures.


“Make sure it doesn’t spread to the forest.
If it gets out of control, the entire mountain might go up in flames!”


“Well, there’s no wind, so it should be fine.”


“Don’t let your guard down until the operation is complete.
Set them on fire from the assembled structures! If you don’t hurry up, you’ll burn to death!”


Kunogen and his team were working eagerly, like children.


Panic spread among the Lamaron side.
The upper reaches of the river were dyed red.
Just as everyone started to sense the possibility of the rumored Demon Lord’s arrival, the soldiers of the Second Corps heard an unfamiliar sound.


Thud thud thud thud thud thud!


“Hey, what’s that sound?”


“Something’s coming from the Juka side? Is that… aargh!”


Suddenly, the left flank of the Lamaron Army fell into chaos.
A herd of thirty giant bulls called Egnimos, measuring 3 to 4 meters in length, appeared from the mountains on the Juka side and charged across the river towards the Lamaron Army.


Egnimos were characterized by their large T-shaped horns.
Thrusting their horns forward, they easily broke through the fences constructed by the Lamaron Army, sending the surrounding soldiers flying.


“It’s the Demon Lord! The Demon Lord is attacking!”


“Run! Run away quickly!”


“Nooo! I don’t want to die!”


Such voices could be heard from all around.
Influenced by them, soldiers of the Lamaron Army’s Second Corps began fleeing one after another.
And the Egnimos pursued some soldiers who were escaping, while others charged into the neighboring First Corps.


“What? The Second Corps is collapsing?!”


General Cauris couldn’t hide his astonishment.


“Yes, suddenly, giant Egnimos appeared from the Juka side and charged into the Second Corps! Moreover, after breaking through the Second Corps, they also charged into the neighboring First Corps!”


“What’s the current situation?”


“The Egnimos in the First Corps have been dealt with.
However, it seems that the other Egnimos are still pursuing the soldiers of the Second Corps!”


“Egnimos are cowardly creatures… I can’t believe they would attack people…”


Struggling to organize his chaotic thoughts, General Cauris desperately tried to maintain composure.


“Some soldiers claim that the Demon Lord has appeared, causing widespread panic!”


“Reiterate the strict order not to leave their posts until further orders.
It’s acceptable to cut down fleeing soldiers!”


“Yes, sir!”


Watching the messenger swiftly depart, General Cauris desperately contemplated his next move.

“It must have been tough, Sadakichi.”


“It’s nothing.
I can handle anything.”


“You guys are amazing.
I never thought the scent of female Egnimos would attract so many males.”


“I’m glad I could be of help.”


“You did a great job spreading the pheromones deep into the enemy lines.
Thanks to that, we were able to deal a heavy blow to the enemy.
You worked hard.
Take a rest.”


“…My Lord! We’ve succeeded on our end too!”


Sadakichi was in conversation with his subordinate when a member of Kunogen’s group returned.
They were the ones who had been sent behind Egnimos to cross the river.


“The enemy’s left flank is in disarray!”


“Good! You did well!”


“The Great Demon King appeared! Shouted for everyone to run! Many soldiers fled!”


“That’s good to hear.
You guys should hurry back too.
And please tell Kunogen and the others to come back quickly.”


“It’s our pleasure to be of service!”


As I bid farewell to Kunogen’s subordinates disappearing into the darkness, he let out a deep sigh.


At that moment, a tremendous roar erupted from the Imperial side.






Using the thick paper they distributed during the day to make makeshift megaphones, soldiers from the entire army shouted at the top of their lungs.
Some climbed up trees and screamed, while others ventured out just within range of the enemy’s attacks and shouted.


“You idiots, let us go home!”


“Give us some food!”




“Yuria, I love you!”


Amidst the victory cries, there were soldiers shouting whatever they pleased.
Their voices echoed through the mountains, creating an indescribable cacophony.
Checking the map, it seemed that many soldiers, particularly on the left flank, were falling behind.


“This might break Laramon’s spirit.
As expected, you have remarkable skills,” said Lafayence, who had been observing the entire scene, speaking to me with a voice filled with exasperation.


“It was a strategy that made even the Demon King falter.
I’m truly impressed.
I’m at a loss.
I take my hat off to you.”


“If the Demon King is present, perhaps it’s a weakness that resides in the hearts of humans.”


As I tried to spot Kunogen and the others, who were slowly making their way back, I squinted into the darkness.



“…Are you serious, Armond?”


General Carius frowned and stared at Commander Armond with a crease between his eyebrows.


“The left flank, Second Army, is in a state of collapse.
The soldiers are in turmoil.
We should temporarily withdraw the army before the Imperial forces launch a full-scale attack.”


“You’re suggesting that the Third Army take the rear guard position, and I don’t agree.
Armond, you seem ready to die.”


“The welfare of the Imperial Army is more important than my own life.
Right now, it is crucial to withdraw as many soldiers as possible without casualties.
If we can rebuild the army and lure the Hideita Army into the Empire, we will have a chance at victory.”


“…I understand.
Don’t die, Armond.
As long as the General is alive, we can rebuild our forces.
But if the General is gone…”


“I understand.
Leave it to me.”


“…Summon the staff officers.
Right now!”


With General Carius’s command, the Laramon Empire’s army swiftly executed a retreat strategy in the darkness.

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