Chapter 129: The Retreat Battle is a Psychological Warfare


“… The Lamaron army has started to retreat, huh?”


As I checked the map, I could see the Lamaron army on the opposite bank gradually moving.

“No way…?”


Layfence and Kunogen also squinted their eyes, gazing across the bank.
Although a few campfires were visible, there was no sign of soldiers withdrawing.


“Hurry, let’s head to Lord Risen’s place.”


We entrusted the aftermath to Kunogen and made our way to the headquarters of the Imperial Army.


“What? The enemy has started to retreat?”


Risen, the commander of the Southern Army Corps, who was about to have dinner, stood up while holding a plate of food.


“Yes, most likely, but…”


“No, we can’t just swallow such unconfirmed information.”


“You’re right.
Could you send out scouts to confirm?”


“…Very well.”


Since it would take time for the scouts to return, Risen served us dinner.
The menu consisted of bread, soup, some grilled meat, and boiled beans.


“This is a dish prepared by our unit’s cook.
Enjoy it slowly.
And we have some wine.
Have a drink.”


Risen recommended with a proud expression.
The old general and I silently ate the food.
Honestly, it wasn’t very delicious.


“However, today’s victory was exhilarating.”


Risen said with a satisfied expression as he drank his wine.


“Marquis-sama was magnificent, but the swift retreat of the Imperial Army was also splendid.
The enemy’s left flank moved as expected.
It was quite satisfying to annihilate them all in one fell swoop!”


“Indeed, Lord Risen, that’s quite something.”


Layfence smirked and smiled.


“Oh no, compared to Lord Layfence, I’m still a rookie!”


I was getting tired of dealing with this old man.
Just then, the scout returned.
It turned out that the Lamaron army had indeed retreated.


“Hahaha! Can you believe it? They were so scared of our voices that they ran away.
Lamaron is all talk.
Alright! It’s time for a pursuit! Gather the staff officers!”


“No, wait.”


Layfence interjected, stopping them.


“While a part of the enemy may have fled, they are currently retreating in an organized manner.
Recklessly pursuing them would only lead to a devastating countererattack.”


“What cowardice! Where is the renowned strategist Layfence? Isn’t this the perfect opportunity?”


“You’re drunk.
Can you lead the command in such a state?”


“You’re annoying! I am the commander of the Southern Army Corps! I won’t take orders from anyone!”


Risen walked forward, pushing Layfence aside.


“Hey, gather the staff officers! Staff officers…”


In that moment, Layfence’ hand chop struck Risen’s neck.


“…The corps commander seems to be intoxicated.
Take care of him.”


The old general instructed a messenger, urging him to leave the scene.


“…Are you okay with that?”


“Don’t worry, it’s fine.
If we pursue now, we’ll suffer considerable losses.
Think about it.
We would be launching an attack into enemy territory with no familiarity.
Moreover, at night.
The enemy must have anticipated that and retreated.
Launching a reckless assault there would be suicidal.
The purpose of this battle is to keep Lamaron in check, not to invade their empire.
We shouldn’t harbor unreasonable ambitions.”


Saying that, we left the main camp.


Layfence and Kunogen spent the night within the Imperial Army.


“Lord Marquis, please return to your mansion.”


“No, if something happens…”


“Most likely, nothing will happen.
If anything comes up, we’ll use the teleportation barrier to visit your mansion.”


Then make sure Kunogen can use it as well.”


Saying that, I created a barrier where they were staying overnight and then activated the teleportation barrier to return to my mansion.


Upon returning to the mansion, dinner had already finished, and it seemed like everyone was taking baths or resting.
Fairy looked a bit sleepy but flew over to me once she spotted me.
I carried her in my arms and asked Gon about today’s events.
There didn’t seem to be any major issues.


I put Fairly in the sleeping basket as usual and headed towards the distance.
Mei was in the research lab.
The prospects for support from the Sirius team were looking good, and they were currently focusing on the development of necessary agricultural tools.
They said they would continue working for a while, so I told them not to push themselves and went upstairs.


Just as Rico came out of the restroom, she spotted me and embraced me.


“…What’s wrong, Rico?”


“…Welcome back.
Are you injured anywhere?”


“I’m fine.
No injuries.”


“What about dinner?”


“Oh, I ate what they served at the Imperial Army headquarters.
It wasn’t very delicious, though.”


“Shall I make something?”


“No, it’s okay.
I’d rather take a bath.
Do you want to join me?”


“Of course.”


Finally, Rico let go of me.


While bathing together, we shared the events of the day.
I was worried about Krumufar because I had pulled out the Kunogen unit, but it seemed to be groundless.
The remaining Kunogen subordinates seem to have received support from the sea Tribes and others, but since the public security was already good, there haven’t been any issues so far.


As we talked about such things, Mei also joined us in the bath.
The three of us talked while bathing.
It was a time when our hearts could rest.
And then, we happily got into bed together and greeted the morning.


In the early morning, before dawn broke, I got up and teleported back to the battlefield.
It seemed that Lafayence and the Kunogen unit were taking turns resting inside the barrier I had set up.
I went to the bonfire and took out two remaining zenzai-filled pots from the infinite storage, put them on the fire, and started simmering them.


By the time the fire had cooked the zenzai, giving off a delicious aroma, Kunogen and Lafayence woke up and came over.


“It smells good.”


“This is a zenzai made by me.”


“Oh, if you don’t mind, I’d love to have some.”


“I crave something sweet when I’m tired, you know.”


“Well, this is… incredibly delicious.”


While we were all eating zenzai, a messenger arrived from the headquarters.


“General Lafayence, Honorable Marquis Basam, it is urgent that you come to the headquarters!”




“Oh, climbing the mountain again.
It’s tough for my old body.”


As we exchanged such remarks, we arrived at the tent of the Imperial Southern Army headquarters.
When we entered, the staff officers were gathered inside.


“…I remember planning to pursue the enemy yesterday, but I have no recollection after that.
Do you all know anything about it?”


Risen, with an annoyed expression, glared at us.


“Lord Risen, you were quite drunk.
Do you remember that?”


Lafayence brazenly asked.


“I… I did drink, but I wasn’t drunk.”


“Is that so? Well, you suddenly collapsed, so we were surprised.
You were lying on your back, after all.
Lord Linos used recovery magic on you, but it didn’t seem to be anything serious.”


“Then, what about this neck pain…”


“Well, you probably hit it when you fell.
Right, Lord Linos, you were flustered at that time, right?”




The old general stuck out his tongue in a way that Risen wouldn’t notice and smiled, clutching his neck.


“Well… it’s fine.
The reason I gathered the lords here is none other than this.
There’s the Lamaron Army in the center, but it seems that most of the Lamaron forces retreated last night.
I want to hear your opinions on how to respond.”


The staff officers were divided between the opinion of pursuing them and the opinion of observing Lamaron’s retreat before retreating ourselves.
At that moment, a messenger burst into the headquarters.


“I have a report! The Lamaron Army has emerged from the forest.
They are deploying their troops on the riverbank!”


When we went outside and looked, we could see thousands of Lamaron soldiers densely deployed on the riverbank.


“And then, a lone cavalryman enters the river.


“We shall now enter the realm of demons! Cut down enemies when we meet them! Cut down anyone when we meet them! Pay no mind to the small fry! Our aim is the head of the general!”


The cavalryman raises his voice so loud that it echoes through the mountains.
In response, the soldiers also raise their voices.
It is a perfectly synchronized chorus of replies.


“Defeat the enemy!” “Defeat them!”


“Kill the enemy!” “Kill them!”


At the signal of the knight’s voice, the soldiers repeat the words.
They continue to repeat such phrases.


“…How annoying.
Fine, let them witness the terror of the Imperial Army.”


“No, let’s retreat, Lord Risen.”




“That is likely a ploy to buy time until their allies retreat.
Moreover, they are a suicide squad.
If we attack them head-on, the Imperial Army will suffer tremendous losses.
Engaging in a decisive battle with that knight now does not seem appropriate for the Empire.
Instead, we should show composure and leisurely retreat.”


“I agree with Lord Linos’ opinion as well.
Our objective is not to invade Lamaron.
It is merely a diversion.
That objective has been achieved.
We are the victors.
We should calmly retreat.”


Many of the staff officers also nod in agreement with Layfence’s words.
Risen closes his eyes and ponders for a while, but eventually gives up, saying,


“Well, we have inflicted considerable damage on Lamaron.
We have achieved our military gains.
Let us retreat from here.
Prepare for withdrawal!”


As if eagerly waiting for those words, the staff officers swiftly begin to move.


“…Commander Armond, the enemy is not launching an attack, it seems,” Vice Commander Sheeva mutters.
Armond keeps staring at the Hideita army without any movement.


“Commander, look at that! The enemy… has started retreating!”


The massive Hideta Empire army has begun its retreat.
They had been observing the situation for a while, but it appears the enemy has no intention of taking the bait.


“…Once again, we have managed to preserve our lives.
Alright, let’s withdraw to the capital.”


Armond turns his horse towards the Imperial capital.
And following him are 5,000 members of the Suicide Squad.


Suddenly, Armond glances towards the border of Juka.
What exactly was the Great Demon King? Has he truly been resurrected? While contemplating such thoughts, he continues riding his horse and notices adventurers on the opposite bank.
A man on a white horse, resembling an adventurer, and the adventurers accompanying him.
Additionally, there are cavalry troops equipped with magnificent armor resembling the Royal Guard, marching towards Juka.


Suddenly, Armond feels like his eyes meet with the adventurer-like man on the white horse.
The man appears much younger than him, but Armond’s instincts tell him that this man is dangerous.


“One day, I will face that opponent in a decisive battle…”


Muttering such words, they hasten their steps towards the Imperial capital.

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