Chapter 130: Rewards and Recognition


Inside the Palace of the Hideita Empire, in the private chamber of the Emperor, five men are gathered, all except one furrowing their brows.


“This is ridiculous, absolutely absurd.”


“Oh, really? I thought it was a brilliant idea.”


I sighed.
The proposal presented by His Majesty was incredibly far-fetched.


“What do you think, Prime Minister?”


“Well, it’s unprecedented… but if you ask me, it’s a remarkable idea.”


“Is that so?”


“No, no, it’s still absolutely ridiculous!”


The Northern Army Corps Commander, Layfence, remained silent, wearing a cynical smile.


Immediately after finishing the battle at the border with Lamaron, Layfence and I had come to report the situation to His Majesty.
The Prime Minister and Lord Vairus were also summoned, leading to this meeting with the five of us.


The discussion mainly revolved around rewards and honors.
His Majesty and his advisors could have decided these matters amongst themselves, but for some reason, Layfence and I were also invited, getting caught up in a meeting about the rewards for the soldiers who had served under us.
And it was during that meeting that His Majesty announced his preposterous proposal, leaving me utterly astonished.


Well, there is still time until the return of the Southern Army led by Risen.
Let’s leisurely consider it until then.”


His Majesty had a smirk on his face.


“By the way, Lord Linos, how is Ricolette doing?”


“Ric…ollete? She is currently managing the Krumfar Territory…”


“No, it’s nothing urgent.
I just wanted to consult her about something.
I would like to speak with Ricolette soon.”


When would be a suitable time?”


“Sooner is better.
Even today, if possible.”




His Majesty nodded slowly.
I was taken aback, but I left the room for now and teleported to the study in the Krumfar Manor.
Fortunately, no one was there, and Ricolette was alone.
She looked surprised upon seeing me appear out of nowhere.


“What… What’s happened?”


“I’m sorry, Ricolette.
Can you go to the capital with me right now?”


“What’s the matter?”


“Just earlier, I went to His Majesty to report on the situation with Lamaron.
He mentioned that he wanted to consult with you.”


“Oh, I see.
His Majesty?”


“He seems to be in a hurry, so… Can you come for a discussion, even at this moment?”


“His Majesty is in such a rush… Something must be going on.
I’ll come right away.
Please wait a moment.”


Just as I thought Ricolette had left the room, she immediately returned.
She had informed the staff that she would be going out.


“By the way, how is the situation on the battlefield?”


“Oh, it’s fine.
Lamaron has retreated, and the Imperial Army is also in the process of withdrawing.
It can be considered a victory for the Empire, for now.”


“Well, that’s good to hear! Let’s go then.”


We teleported once again to a location near His Majesty’s private chamber.


“…Ricolette, it’s been a while.”


“In His Majesty’s presence, one must always be in good spirits…”


“Very well, let’s skip the formalities.
I apologize for summoning you suddenly.
I imagine you were busy?”


“No, there’s no problem.
Whenever His Majesty calls, I am available.”


“It’s our personal relationship.
You may address me as ‘Brother.'”




“I apologize, Ricolette, but I need to discuss something with you.
I’d like everyone else to leave the room.
Leave us alone.”


“Your Majesty, am I also included?”


“Vairus, you too.”




Everyone left the room.
As I was about to leave, His Majesty stopped me.


“Once the conversation is over, send Ricolette back immediately.
If you wish, you can create a teleportation barrier here.”




I set up a teleportation barrier that would directly lead to the estate.
Naturally, it would only activate for Ricolette and me.
It wouldn’t do for His Majesty to suddenly appear at the estate.


“Well then, if you’ll excuse me.”


I boarded the teleportation barrier and returned to the estate.


Ricolette didn’t return to the estate until quite late at night.
Worried, I had been waiting with Mei and Gon in the dining room.
Ricolette looked incredibly exhausted.


“Ricolette, what about dinner?”


“I’m fine.”


Ricolette staggered and headed to her room.
I followed after her.


As soon as Rico entered the room, she collapsed onto the bed face-up.
She had a dazed expression on her face, something I had never seen before.


“Rico… Are you okay?”


“I’m fine.”


Rico struggled to sit up and buried her face in my chest.


“Linos… Do you… love me?”


“I love you so much.”


“Please… always… always stay by my side.”


Rico was crying.
I deliberately didn’t ask why she was crying.
Instead, I spent the whole night cradling her head on my arm and gently stroking her back.


The next morning, I woke up to Rico’s kiss.
It was still before dawn, and I wondered what was going on, but Rico said she wanted to take a bath.
I remembered that we hadn’t taken a bath yet, so we decided to take a morning bath together.


Rico’s skin was always beautiful.
Every movement she made was refined, so even bathing seemed like watching an elegant dance.




While we were in the bathtub, Rico suddenly spoke up.


“In the future, even when I grow old and become an old woman, will you still stay by my side?”


“Of course.”


“Even when I’m old, will you still give me arm pillows?”


“I won’t leave you until you dislike me.
We’ll be together.”


Rico clung to me and started crying again.


After getting out of the bath, Rico returned to her usual self by the time we finished breakfast.
She seemed to have let something go and was moving briskly.


After breakfast, Rico handed me a letter.
She wanted me to give it to the Emperor.
I accepted it without saying anything.
Rico threw her usual adorable smile at me and teleported to Krumfar.


I went to the Emperor and handed him Rico’s letter.
After reading it, the Emperor sighed and looked up at the sky.


“…Could you tell me what kind of conversation took place?”


“No, it’s just my personal consultation.
I can’t say anything until things start moving.”


“Is it… a good conversation?”


“I can’t say for sure.”


Suppressing my uneasy feelings, I left the room.


After leaving the Emperor’s room, I headed to the Imperial Hotel.
There, I informed Astes and Soleil, who were prisoners, that the battle with Lamon had temporarily ended.
They thanked me politely and asked me repeatedly to come to the village in Juka as soon as possible.
To go there, I have to become the Sage Linos again, but I’ll think about that later.


The ladies and soldiers, with numerous medals hanging from their bodies, packed their belongings and left the Imperial Hotel with a tinge of reluctance.
I wondered when they had bought such a large amount of luggage… Well, let’s not pry into that.
By the way, I paid for all their expenses during their stay.
I made sure to double-check the amount I was billed, counting the numbers twice.
Truly a first-class hotel.


It was a week until the Southern Army, which had been on an expedition at the border, returned.
During that time, I flew around the Kingdom of Juka.
Although Sadakichi, the Fairy Dragons, and others acted as scouts due to concerns about Lamon’s invasion, there were no significant movements.


During this period, I discussed the rewards with the Prime Minister regarding my achievements, but I had no desires of my own and left it to the Prime Minister.
All I wanted was to live in peace.
I conveyed to the Prime Minister that my current family and current life were sufficient, and I warned him not to be swayed by the Emperor’s absurd ideas.
The Prime Minister assured me that he would do what was best for me, so I decided to put an end to this discussion.



Five days after the triumphant return of the Imperial Army, a banquet hosted by the Emperor, which also served as the announcement of rewards, was held.
Amidst the elegantly dressed noblewomen and soldiers adorned with medals all over their bodies, both Rico and I were dressed formally and attended the event.


As expected, Rico, who had put her all into dressing up, overwhelmed everyone with her beauty.
Whenever Rico passed by, men would invariably turn their heads.
As her husband, I couldn’t help but feel proud.


Since the meeting with the Emperor, Rico had become more insistent in her affection towards me.
It seemed that her beauty had also enhanced recently.
By the way, it’s a secret that my love bites are hidden beneath Rico’s dress, unbeknownst to anyone.


After the polite greetings filled with aristocratic pleasantries had mostly concluded, the Emperor appeared and the banquet began.


In the midst of it, a report on the victory against the Lamaron Empire was given, and the long-awaited rewards were announced by the Prime Minister.


Generally, noble houses that had sent soldiers would be awarded monetary rewards, and those with significant achievements would receive commendations from the Emperor in addition to the rewards.
Furthermore, promotions in rank would be announced for the high-ranking officers.


“Now, for those who have achieved outstanding accomplishments deserving of the Grand Order of Merit, the Emperor will personally bestow the commendation.”


As the tension filled the venue, the Emperor rose from his throne.


“We are greatly satisfied with the achievements of this campaign.
Among them, General Risen Freylap, who led over a hundred thousand troops in the Southern Front and not only halted the invasion of the Lamon Empire but also inflicted considerable damage on the enemy while minimizing our losses, has displayed exceptional command abilities.
Therefore, we recognize his exceptional service with the Grand Order of Merit.
We confer upon him the title of Marshal, grant him the position of lifelong active-duty officer, and relieve him from his current position as Commander of the Southern Front.
He will be appointed as the new Commander of the Northern Front.”


“H-Humbly, I-I-I accept…”


Risen, seemingly delighted, bowed while stuttering, puffing out his chest even more.
Wait, isn’t he straining his back?


“And Marquis Basam Daake Linos, for his outstanding accomplishment of capturing the capital of the Kingdom of Juka with only a few hundred troops and annihilating enemy forces, we recognize his exceptional service with the Grand Order of Merit.
We bestow upon him the former territory of the Kingdom of Juka and grant him permission to establish a new nation.
Along with this, he is allowed to bear the title of King.”


The venue erupted into an uproar.
I stood there dumbfounded, with my mouth agape.
No, no, this is exactly the same as the Emperor’s original proposal.
Nothing has changed.
This isn’t what we discussed…


“When establishing the new nation, you are permitted to utilize the talent of the Empire.
From us, we recommend as the pillars of the state, the Prime Minister and the Supreme Commander of the Army, your wife, Hideita Shua Ricolette, and General Layfencs Oug, the former Commander of the Northern Front.”


The commotion within the venue intensified.
Rico and Layfence? I didn’t agree to this… The world before me… It turned completely dark.

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