Chapter three: Everglow

uge smirk. ”That was so nice of you Kara. ” He told her. Anas smile dropped into an expression of annoyance. ”I swear they
e just doing it on purpose. ” She told him, making Tony burst into laughter. The noise brought Stephanie out of the kitchen, peering at the two of them curiously.

”Who was here? ” She asked them.

”Marcus and Lucinda. ” Tony told her. ”Ah, ” Stephanie said, walking out of the kitchen. ”Did they finally remember your name Ana or did you get another butchered variation of it? ” She asked. Ana opened her mouth to answer when Tony cut her off. ”Whos Ana? This is Kara, Stephanie. Try to learn your coworkers names. ” Stephanie snickered as Ana rolled her eyes, skating back over to the table she was cleaning.

”So something Lucinda said earlier made me think of something, ” Tony said after a few minutes of silence. Ana looked up at him. ”When we met and even the first few weeks of you working here you were, whats the word.. You were a lot more out there I guess. You were always hanging out with someone, going somewhere, how come you don really do that much any more? ” Tony asked her. Ana stood up straight to look at him.

”You know my best friends been badgering me about that.. We
e going out again soon, she says I need to have more of a college experience I guess. ” Ana told him. Tony hummed. ”I mean, you don have to go to a bunch of parties or whatever. ” Tony said quietly. Ana tilted her head curiously at him. Tony chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

”I mean, I didn have a really social college experience, ” He told her. ”I mostly kept to myself aside from the few clubs that I joined. I was never a fan of parties. ” Ana stared at him thoughtfully which seemed to make him squirm a bit. ”Not that Im trying to tell you how to live or anything, Im just saying if you don go partying every week not to feel too bad about it. ” He rushed.

”I- ” The doorbell chiming cut Ana off, which made Tony let out a soft sigh of relief as he greeted the customer that had just entered. Ana skated over to the counter to put away her cleaning supplies and took a menu from Tony, going into waitress mode and their previous conversation slowly fading from Anas mind.

Ana sighed as she shut off the lights of the diner floor, and turned off the jukebox, using the faint light from the main counter as a guide to the bathrooms so she could change. Ana pulled on a pair of black glittery tights and a white fluffy sweater with stains of pale pink, blue, and purple all over the sweater. She pulled her hair into a messy bun, noting how much her hair had grown since the last time she had cut it. She felt a strand with her fingers that had fallen out from her bun. Her hair used to reach her lower back until she cut it after she moved out of her parents house after an argument, which of course made them as angry as she expected, as they were of the old-fashioned belief that she shouldn cut her hair.

Ana sighed and shoved her uniform in her bag, shutting off the bathroom lights and walking out back to the counter, where Tony was waiting for her. Stephanie and Mike had left half an hour ago, Ana was a bit envious of them, however there was a group of people who spent two hours heckling and drinking which gave the kitchen crew plenty of time to clean up.

”You ready? ” He asked her, handing her the keys to the awning. Ana nodded and hoisted her bag further over her shoulder as she followed Tony out of the building, shutting off the lights around the counter. Ana pulled the glass door closed and locked it as Tony told her, ”Ill have a quick smoke then well go alright? ” Ana nodded as he pulled the awning down far enough for her to reach.

Ana was about to pull the keys out of the lock in the door when she saw a soft glowing light coming from the storage room. ”Tony! ” She called. ”Yeah? ” He called back. ”You turned off the light in the storage room right? ” She asked him. ”There isn a light in that room, remember? ” He called back to her. ”I keep forgetting to replace it, remind me tomorrow! ” He said off handedly.

Ana looked back at the soft light from inside the room.

There wasn a sign or anything plugged in, so Ana had no idea what it could possibly be.

”Ana, you done yet? ” Tony called to her. ”Just a minute! ” She called back to him. Ana concluded that it had to be a light coming from another building and shining into the room, ignoring the fact tat she didn remember whether or not the room had a window.

”Ana! ”

Ana snapped out of her gaze and pulled down the awning, locking the padlock on the bottom, dashing towards Tonys car, not another thought about the strange glowing light.

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