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Twelve days had passed since they had fought.
The coffee had lost its flavor, gaming became dull, and he felt depressed.
Originally, Sangwoo was far from the type of human being who was swayed by their emotions.
However, he asked himself: ‘how many emotions had he exhausted over the past three weeks?’

i) Severe irritation, severe anxiety, feeling wronged and misunderstood – 2 days

ii) Slight irritation, slight anxiety, doubt – 3 days

iii) Confusion, anger, absentmindedness – 6 days

iv) Depression, anger – 12 days

Jang Jaeyoung’s existence was the cause of i), ii), and iii), and would be resolved if he disappeared.
However, the cause of iv) was the absence of Jang Jaeyoung.
Sangwoo, who had turned a blind eye to that fact for over 10 days of falling apart, concluded that he couldn’t keep going like this.
Ignoring the problem wouldn’t make it disappear.
Since this was the case, Sangwoo had to act as a problem solver.

He carefully thought about the cause of the problem, the advantages of his connection to Jaeyoung, and the circumstances.
Naturally, the more complicated a problem is, the more simple solutions there would be.
He didn’t include irrational emotional elements and just analyzed the situation itself.
The reason Sangwoo felt dissatisfied was because Jang Jaeyoung had disappeared from his life.
Since it was so, he had to drag him back into his life.

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He combined several options to produce the most optimal solution.
He came to one conclusion, and he saw no other way to handle it.
Sangwoo always preferred the shortest path, and he had every intention of taking it.

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Sangwoo called for Jihye while eating after their cultural theory class.
She looked up as she was drinking her soup.

“You know how I’m supposed to treat you to a meal?”

“Yes, yes.”

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“I’d like to treat you today.”

A smile spread over her formerly expressionless face.
Sangwoo wondered if she was having a difficult time lately.

“If you agree, then come to Olive Tree by 6pm tonight.”

“Ah! That’s where we had our first meal together, oppa.
Do you remember? But it’s really expensive there…”

“I know.
Do you agree or not?”

“Good, good.”

Jihye looked thrilled to get an expensive meal for free.
Sangwoo asked for her phone number in case they missed each other going to the restaurant.
Jihye stuttered while giving him her number.

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