few of them.”


I let out a sigh as I responded to Jend.


Ferris: “He also knows Little Charu apparently.”

Jend: “Oh really? ………..wait, Ferris, what did you just say?”


I mean, yeah, I think I have a pretty solid network, but everyone there knows Sir Ezeal and Ageha, and if you stay in Ligaleo, you’re bound to get to know them regardless.


Besides, out of the 8 Heroes of Legend, there's 3 of them whom I’ve only said hi like maybe once? So I'm not close to all of them.


Ageha; “Oh! I almost forgot.
Henry, Yuu told me to tell you, ‘Hey, I’ll come drop by soon.’ Alright, I passed the message to you.”


Henry: “………you think she can really leave the frontlines?”

Ageha: “Nope.”


Thought so.


The only reason the death rate of Adventurers on the frontlines is only SLIGHTLY higher than other areas is due to Yuu.


As long as you have any breath left in you, she can fix you right up.


Yuu wanted to go out and do more Adventurer like things, but because of her Skills, the Church has her on strict standby around the city.


……….from her personality, I don’t think she’ll be able to just put those responsibilities aside and come down to visit.


Henry: “Well, I owe her a lot too, so tell her, I said hi and hope she’s doing well.
I’ll give you something to take back to her before you leave.”


Ageha: “Sounds good.
She’ll be happy to hear from you.”


I guess she likes sweets, so I’ll give her some sweet snacks that won’t go bad.
I think those Flowtier cookies that Lana took to the university would be good.

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Cyril: “Henry, you seem pretty close to this Yuu person…”


Henry: “We’ve just known each other for a long time now.
She’s probably the person who was in my party for the longest time.”


We had times we separated to different parties, but in total, wasn’t it about 5 or 6 years?


Ageha: “Huh? Henry, I thought she was your ex.”


Henry: “That was when we’re still kids.
That doesn’t count.”

I object to Ageha’s interpretation.


I came to Ligaleo when I was 12, but Ageha who is two years younger than me and Yuu who’s the same age as Ageha also came to Ligaleo when she was 12.


And coincidentally, she stayed at the same inn as me, and our rooms were next to each other.


………..on the frontlines, there were no other kids our age, so we got to know each other quickly by default.


But I say coincidence, but it was actually Sir Ezeal who caught wind of Yuu’s situation, and in his Sir Ezeal fashion, strongly suggested and signed her into the inn I stayed at.


And she was a 12 year old girl at the time.
I was 14 and wasn’t adult-age yet.
After 2 years, I was able to hold my ground and not pull any adventurer or knights’ legs.


In that situation, of course it was natural for Yuu to come depend on me.


And as she started her Adventurer career, there was a very brief time when we were in that kind of a relationship.
I was too focused and worried about getting stronger, but I wasn’t going to just leave a girl in an uncertain situation behind either.
I wasn’t a squire any more, but I still held onto the Knights’ values and ways.


But Yuu was still a kid, and we just spent our rare and too few and far in between off-days with walks together.
We didn’t even kiss before we decided to go our separate ways………and that just kinda happened naturally.

Cyril: “Henry had someone like that?!”


Jend: “Hey, Henry.
Didn’t you say you had no luck with women in Ligaleo?”


Henry: “Look……that happened when we were kids.
There was no one else her age, and we dated for about half a year.
I’m not going to make a big fuss just over that.”


In the end, Yuu grew up into a beautiful woman, and yeah, I do think about the what-if’s and if we stuck together, and I regret……wait, do I regret it? ………………………actually, I don’t.
Yeah, I really don’t.


Ageha: “Is that so? I didn’t even know that.
Wo~w…so Yuu had a period like that too.”


Henry: “Yeah, I don’t even know how she ended up the way she did….”


She used to be such a calm and quiet kid.


As a genius Heal Magecrafter, she busted into Ligaleo by herself thinking there are people she needs to save, and that crazy, world-saving attitude hasn’t changed at all though.


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Ageha: “Great.
Now I have more dirt on her that I can tease her about.”

Henry: “…..do what you want, and I hope you’re able to get away.”


I have a feeling that Morningstar is not going to be far away, and she’s persistent as heck.


Ageha: “HA! Like Yuu could ever catch up to me.”


Henry: “Oh yeah?”


I’m telling you, she holds grudges like no one else I know.
Once she’s determined to get back at you, she would wait months for the right moment to arrive.


Teo: “………Mr.
Henry?” Henry: “Hm? What’s up, Teo?”

Teo is staring intently my direction for a while now.
Wait, what’s going on?


Teo: “Were you and Sister Ageha ever in a relationship?”



She’s a female warrior who would go undercover in open territory for 3 days and hunt down the enemy officers and bring back their heads.
There’s no way I could be with anyone like that!


Ageha: “RU~DE~…….”


Ageha doesn’t like my reaction and frowns a little.


As if to let off some steam, she raises her hand and asks for a extra thick serving of steak, potatoes, and the whole bottle of wine.


Ageha: “We got off topic, but we hunted a lot of Griffins and made some good profits.
Let’s have a party tonight~!”


Henry: “Didn’t we just party yesterday………?”


Great, she’s not listening at all.
She chopped off the top of the wine bottle with her hand.


Ageha: “Don’t worry about that.
Here, I’ll pour you a glass.”


Henry: “………thanks.”


I bring up my glass, and Ageha pours me one.


Pouring a glass to each member of our party, Ageha raises her glass.


Ageha: “Cheers!!”


………….and again, she collapsed where she sat drunk as a skunk, and I had to carry her to another inn that night.


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