sword slashed sideways, cutting off the Ghezo Velche’s right front leg, and then twisting his blade up, he left a clean deep cut across the Ghezo Velche’s face with a single swing.


The Ghezo Velche, which had received a fatal head injury, opened its eyes wide and collapsed to the ground, blood gushing from both its head and leg.

The Ghezo Velche’s unique flame wings vanished after a few convulsions, leaving just a wolf’s carcass, slightly larger than a Velche’s.

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After exhaling its last breath, the Ghezo Velche soon came to a complete halt.


When one of the Velche who had been surrounding Luka noticed the change, it sent out a loud howl toward the Cave of Horror.
More of its friends were most likely hiding inside the cave.
And it was most likely alerting them of the death of their leader.

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It can howl all it wants; in the end, it’s futile…

Merc sighed inwardly after confirming the Ghezo Velche’s death, caressing the back of her itching neck.

The mission’s goal, the extermination of the Ghezo Velche, had been accomplished.
All that remained was to clean up the remnants… This, however, was a bad thing for Merc.


The Velche surrounding Luka all attacked her at the same time, having lost all reason as a result of their leader’s death.
Luka, on the other hand, simply raised her wand.

“Fire Wall!”

As they all struggled to stop themselves, a wall of fire appeared in front of the Velche.
They all plunged into the wall of fire without being able to stop, their bodies catching fire immediately.

“I’ll help you!”

Elea shouted as she drew her spear from the Ghezo Velche’s body and dashed towards Luka.
Jonahim, on the other hand, supported himself with his sword as he appeared extremely tired.

Merc noticed that Jonahim’s remaining Mana was nearly depleted when she inspected it.
Mana was closely tied to a person’s vitality.

Therefore, it was no surprise that he was unable to walk.

Jonahim had been forced to cast a large-scale Water Wall without chanting in order to block the Ghezo Velche’s Fireball.
His Mana pool had surely been depleted as a result of his actions.
It was only logical that he couldn’t walk.

“Fire Spear!”

Elea and Luka brutally slaughtered the remaining Velche with their leader in the background.
The Velche numbers dropped till there was only one left.


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The very last Velche groaned as it retreated slowly, as though waiting for a chance to escape.
The adventurers in front of it, on the other hand, were not so courteous as to allow it to do so.

“Stop right there!”

Elea’s pink hair fluttered as she rushed forward and stabbed at the Velche, which was slowly withdrawing.


The Velche died instantly with Elea’s spear lodged between its brows, letting out a final moan.
It was a truly quick death.

We’re done.”

Elea exclaimed as she drew her spear from the Velche’s corpse, a sensation of accomplishment washing over her.

“Looking forward to the reward.”

Luka remarked, tucking her wand away with a little smile.
She was clearly weighing the prize for completing the difficult task.

“Haa… I’m beat.”

Jonahim finally plopped down on the ground after straining to stay up till the end of the battle.
It was astonishing that he had managed to keep upright up to this point.

Good grief.
They’re quite the party these three.
Nonetheless, this has shattered my plans to leave the village…

Merc decided to go to Jonahim, who was closest to her, with mixed feelings fluttering in her chest.
It happened just as she was about to take her first step.


She spun around reflexively to see what was going on as shivers ran down her spine.
As she did so, she noticed a Ghezo Velche racing down the mountain towards them2.



Robinxen: I know this is a compliment but it still feels like an insult. Robinxen: It had a mate!

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