

Ye Qian shook his head and replied, “Then I’ll say it, remember that you made me say it.”


“Why are you beating around the bush.
Aren’t you a man.” The pretty girl replied with spite.






“What you’re saying is wrong.
Beating around the bush and my being a man has nothing to do with each other.
My being a man was determined at birth.
If you don’t believe me, you can find out for yourself.
I only wanted to say, are you and Zhao Ya partners?” Ye Qian replied.


“Partners” The pretty girl evidently didn’t know what he meant.


“Um, partners, the official explanation is “like-minded”, basically means you like the same kind of people.
For example you and Zhao Ya, you’re supposed to like men, but you both chose to like women instead.
Um, do you understand my explanation?” Ye Qian’s manner of speaking was serious, wishing to dispel all confusion.
This was really his earnest reply.


“What the heck are you talking about? Who told you that? Wait till I rip her mouth off her face.” The pretty girl angrily glared at Ye Qian.
Her angry did not allow Ye Qian to doubt her words.
If he dared to say that he said it himself then this yatou might actually kill him.


“Uh, don’t get so angry.
I only guessed.
I just thought that it was very strange that just now, when I mentioned Zhao Ya, you go so worked up.
So I just guessed it.
Calm down, calm down.” Ye Qian saw the girl’s fuming appearance, he replied carefully with a throbbing heart.


“Calm down? Calm down? I’m going to bite you!” The pretty girl just finished saying her words when she grabbed Ye Qian arm and chomped down. Ye Qian already felt a sense of foreboding when he saw her riled up earlier but somehow he did not react in time and was chomped down upon by the yatou.
He cried loudly in pain.
The whole class instantly turned to look at them, even Qin Yue glared angrily at Ye Qian.
The pretty girl did not expect Ye Qian to cry out so loudly and make everybody look at them.
Her face flushed red and she hatefully glared at Ye Qian before turning her head away. Ye Qian grinned mischievously at the people watching them and said, “Nothing, nothing, just got bitten by a mosquito.”


The group didn’t really fall for it.
They knew something else was going on, even though they didn’t know exactly what it was.


Once the class retracted their looks and directed their attention back toQin Yue, Ye Qian pulled up his sleeve to inspect his arm.
He saw a mark of two rows of teeth on his arm and said helplessly, “Kao, are you a dog?”


“You’re the dog.” The pretty girl replied furiously.


Ye Qian shook his head helplessly and said, “Good men don’t fight with women.”


The pretty girl looked at Ye Qian as if she was about to say something, “You’re a good man?” She muttered to herself.
Then she asked him, “Alright whatever, just tell me why you are looking for Zhao Ya.”


“You’re such a busybody.
Why does my looking for Zhao Ya have anything to do with you?” Ye Qian replied.


“Why won’t you tell me? What’s so special about it anyway! Hmph!” The pretty girl snapped her head around to face him stubbornly.
In fact, she appeared very cute in her rage.


Ye Qian saw her being so cute and felt an urge to tease her some more.
He smiled mischievously and said, “Do you really want to know? Fine, I’ll tell you.
The truth is, Zhao Ya’s father has betrothed her to me so I wanted to come see her.
That is to say, Zhao Ya is actually my fiancee.”




Translated by: korezmi


Edited by: patrick_father_of_dragons

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