ace like a home.

Every room had a soft carpet giving warmth to the place and muffling their footsteps.
Otherwise, each step of a creature as big as Lith would have produced a thunder that the echo of the halls would have made deafening.

The walls, ceiling, and the ground had been polished to the point that the red light that came from the heart of the volcano was reflected to perfection.
It illuminated each room with a soft white light thanks to the lack of doors and to the walls changing its color.

Yet the air was clean and the temperature no higher than that of the outside Desert.
The Phoenix had no trouble with heat, but the same couldn't be said for her furniture.
Enchanting the home arrays to keep the temperature stable was much easier than crafting everything to be heat-resistant.

Paintings were hung to the walls, depicting not only the most important moments in Sinmara's life, but also those of the people of the Desert and of Salaark's nest.
Lith noticed a recurring theme in the pieces.

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Many Phoenixes of various colors were portrayed but there was only one so black that it resembled an Abomination hybrid.
On top of that, a Dragon shining with a silvery-white radiance always appeared next to her.

”Who are those guys? Is the black Phoenix one of yours? ” Lith pointed at the odd couple.

”I wish. ” Xenagrosh chuckled.
”That's Sinmara, our host and the Phoenix of Darkness.
The other one is her twin brother, Surtr, the Dragon of Light. ”

”A twin? ” Lith asked in amazement.

They picked different life forces, but they always stuck together.
Their bond is so deep that they worked their way up to the white without anyone's help but each other's.
They didn't rely on Leegaain's help nor Salaark's. ”

”Are they both white cores? ”

Now enough with the questions. ” Xenagrosh led him to the lowest level of Sinmara's home, near the center of the volcano.

There stood a 40 meters (132 feet) tall creature that resembled a hybrid between a human and a pitch-black feathered Phoenix.
It was Sinmara's work form, to be capable of using her tools without magic while also retaining all of her bloodline abilities.

The creature wore a white overall, heavy working gloves, and a thick work apron all made of pure-white scales.
In her right hand, she held the hiltless blade of a spear of Davross while with the left she wielded a Forgemastering hammer that rhythmically struck at the metal.

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With each hit, the spearhead's shape became more elaborate and more runes covered its surface while different layers of magic formed a power core.

The lower part of the blade was kept heated by the molten lava while the upper part was showered with bright white Origin Flames that erupted from the giant wings on the creature's back.

Sinmara slowly turned the spearhead, alternating which side would withstand the Flames and which one would be tempered by the lava.

'That's how Origin Flames come out from both Tista's wings and those of my Voidfeather Dragon form.
I wonder if I can use them like that even as a Tiamat.' He thought.

While waiting for her to finish, Lith did all he could to remove the excess energy signatures and study her Forgemastering technique with the Eyes of Menadion.
Yet all he got for his efforts was a crippling headache for both him and Solus.

'Do your Dragon Eyes help in situations like this one?' He asked Xenagrosh via a mind link to not disturb Sinmara.

'I wish.' She replied with a sigh.
'I learned Forgemastery from Bytra, but her technique is so different from Sinmara's that I'm probably understanding less than you do.'

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