The Extra's Survival

Chapter 122: Changes In System

The huge majestic figure followed Lucas ’s suit, a huge crimson aura condensed forming a virtual sword in its hand.

All the mana within a radius of a kilometre concentrated around Lucas ’s and condensed near him as if obeying his command.

The mana in the surroundings was started to suck by Lucas. Each pore of its body opened that pulled all of the mana and the surge of power within his body started to increase.

The mana emanated from Lucas ’s body was now comparable to 8-Star. His glowing skin started to crack little by little but as if he didn ’t care, he started to absorb the mana crazily.

Julian, Ami, Luna and all those present out there felt as if they lost the ability to feel mana and felt weaker as the mana was disrupted by Lucas and the entire area was devoid of mana until the mana from the surroundings gushed here.

Everyone felt that every bit of mana now belongs to Lucas and no one has the right to utilise it.

As the virtual figure raised its sword a burst of killing intent swept through, dying the entire sky in red.

The majestic body glowed in red and imitating Lucas ’s moves, slashed the sword toward the dragon.

”Dimensional Slash. ”

The whole area trembled as the voice echoed in the atmosphere.

The slash of the majestic figure and Lucas ’s silhouette merged and radiated with an overwhelming aura and a burst of red sword light surged towards the dragon.

Anything the ray of light touched was annihilated into countless particles and wiped off existence.

As the burst of light collided with the dragon breath, the dragon breath that was able to create a valley and destroy a mountain, dispersed and the sword light passed through it easily.

There was no sound of an explosion and no sound of thundering as the dragon ’s breath scattered into tiny particles of light.

The ray of light collided with the dragon and many small images of the dragon flashed in the surroundings which shattered like glass. Its body had been cut into millions of small pieces and was wiped off from existence.

It died without emanating a sound and a shrill cry.

The ray of light instantly disappeared along with the dragon which seemed to vaporise with no remains of his body.

As the dragon died mysteriously, the black flames fell on the ground and started to flicker and the soil on which it fell, started turning dark slowly.

”Neutralize it. ” Lucas ’s heavy voice resounded.

Luna who was too shocked flinched as she felt Lucas was speaking to her.

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