, even though there was a sense of panic flashed in his eye.

But this panic, was too sheer.
An average child would have been scared and ran away immediately.

Nevertheless, this presence was indeed human, and his intelligence also seems to be normal.

Zhang Mu pondered for a long time.
But after the incident, the little boy sat on the ground immediately.

“Big brother, big sister, please save my mother.
She is about to die.”

The little boy cried out suddenly and said such a statement, causing Zhang Mu to froze in place.

He could talk, and the expression he had was proper.
Therefore, there wasn’t a psychic evolver controlling him.
Then this matter was a little more complicated and confusing now.
Zhang Mu believed that his observations and intuitions would not go wrong.

This little boy, definitely had a problem.

However, Yuan Rui could not control herself anymore, as her motherly instinct took over.
She rushed over to the little boy and hugged the little boy in her arm.

Meanwhile, the Obsidian Beetle dagger in Zhang Mu’s hand was aiming at the little boy’s head, ready to go at any second.

At such a close distance, after he released the Obsidian Beetle, he could use his psychic power to block the dagger from harming Yuan Rui when it penetrates through the little boy’s head.

Yuan Rui was stroking the little boy’s head and seemed to be saying something to comfort him.
Meanwhile, Zhang Mu asked the Obsidian Beetle in his mind if it had smelt any details using its keen sense that he did not notice.

“Little black, did you sense something different? I feel that there is something wrong with this child.”

The Obsidian Beetle replied to Zhang Mu in an arrogant voice, “You couldn’t sense this? There is a rotten smell on this little human child’s body.”

“You’re saying he is a walking dead?” Zhang Mu asked the Obsidian Beetle questioningly as he did not feel like it.

“Of course not! A walking dead or human being, can’t you see it for yourself? How should I phrase this? Overall, he is still a human being.
If not for the rotten smell that was faintly emitting from his body, I would not be able to detect any difference too.
This rotten smell, is not attached to him by any foreign object on his body but is flowing out from the deepest part of his body.
If that stupid dog is awake, its senses would be more acute than mine.”

“Then what is he precisely? Do you know?” Zhang Mu searched carefully in his memory and could not find any relevant information.
He could only ask the Obsidian Beetle to see if it was aware of this matter.

In the end, the Obsidian Beetle straightaway replied and no longer care about him, “Who knows?”

As Zhang Mu was turned down by the Obsidian Beetle, he continued to stare at the little boy.
Despite that, he still could not figure out anything.
He could only follow the development of this matter to wait and see how it goes.

But fortunately, the little boy did not act recklessly until now, so Zhang Mu was slightly relaxed.
The blood on his face had been wiped away by Yuan Rui using her sleeve.
Unexpectedly, he looked cute, causing Yuan Rui to dote on him more as she continued to wipe his tears.

“Tell me, what happened exactly? If you continue to cry like this, I’m afraid that it would be too late if your mother truly encountered any danger.”

Zhang Mu’s voice lightly called out.
He kept having the feeling that this little boy was acting and was hiding something from them.

In the end, he received a sour look from Yuan Rui.
He stopped talking and just stood within the one-meter range from Yuan Rui.

Yuan Rui softly asked the little boy, “Hao Hao, tell sister what happened exactly? Sister and this big brother behind me will help you.
Although he might look a bit fierce, he has a good heart.”

That little boy had told Yuan Rui that his name was Hao Hao in their previous conversation.
He stopped sobbing and sneaked a glance at Zhang Mu’s emotionless face.
He immediately retracted back into Yuan Rui’s arm with fear and stuttered, “Hao Hao is very scared.
My mother is going to be eaten by those monsters that eat human.
Sister, quickly go and help my mother.
Hao Hao begged you.”

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