e that you didn't ask her at all?”

“If you don't believe it, just go do it yourself.” Li Qinghe was annoyed and lifted her foot to walk away.
“I still have some work to do.”

She was busy with work, but wasn't much annoyed, mainly because she didn't want to continue to involve herself with Mrs.
She still remembered that when Mrs.
You came to give money, she had acted proud and arrogant as if her son was the greatest treasure in the world.
For these kinds of people, it was better to have less contact, and even better if she avoided them altogether.

You didn't catch up to her this time.
Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief and continued to climb the mountain.

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Two days later, she heard that Mrs.
You asked Mrs.
Qian again to go to Third Aunt's house, but she got the same rejection this time.

In the middle of April, Li Qingmiao's baby was born.
Both the mother and son were safe, and they named him Li Guangyao.
Li Qingmiao's parents were so happy that they talked to everyone and invited them to the full moon celebration.

When Li Qinghe heard the news, she went to her house with the eggs.
She met Mrs.
Zhou on the way, who was carrying a pot of soup.
“Mother, let me help you.”

Zhou avoided her.
“It's too hot, I'll do it myself.” Her eyes deliberately swept over her stomach.
“It’s better to have a child early.
A family will only be lively with children, and the couple will have better feelings.
It doesn’t matter how much silver you earn, how can it be as lovely as children? You have a big yard, don't you feel empty?”

As she was caught off guard, Li Qinghe was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and said, “Mother, children are born when they are meant to be born.”

Zhou glared at her.
“Looking at you both, you two have such a great relationship, so why haven't I heard any good news for more than a year?”

When Li Qinghe heard this, she blushed slightly, coughing lightly to hide her embarrassment.
“I did not mean it.”

In fact, it was intentional.
They had both planned on cleaning up all the wasteland and using it.
It was originally expected to be thoroughly cleaned in the spring of next year, but it was already done this year, so they decided they wanted to wait longer since then she would be older and it would be less dangerous.

Zhou left it at that.
“You have your plans, and I cannot persuade you, but could you just take pity on me, please? After you have given birth to your children, I can rest assured that I will see your father even if I die… Your elder brother and elder sister-in-law too…” She shook her head, looking like she couldn't speak any further.

As they talked, they had already reached the Li house, and the courtyard was filled with joy.
Li boiled red eggs and gave them away, saying that she wanted everyone to be happy.
When Mrs.
Zhou saw the swaddled child, she became very emotional and reluctant to leave.
After a while, she couldn't stand it and went to ask for two red eggs to give to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe carried the two red eggs in her pocket, and her thoughts were full of what Mrs.
Zhou had said about giving birth to a child.
When she saw Zhou Chengkang cleaning the yard, she peeled an egg and handed it to him to eat.
She said with a smile, “Mother insisted on giving it to us, saying it’ll bring us good luck.”

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Zhou Chengkang held her hands after eating the eggs, kissed her fingers, smiled, and told her, “Don’t worry.
Sooner or later we’ll have children, and we won’t let her down.
We'll give birth to eight or ten children.”

“Do you think even the pigs in the backyard can give birth to eight or ten? At most, it’ll be three… two.”

Zhou Chengkang laughed loudly and very happily.

After the couple laughed, they started seriously planning to have a child.
After calculating everything, they decided that it would be better to wait until next year.
It was best not to choose the autumn harvest and spring plowing season to have children.
Otherwise, he would not have enough energy to care for her.
After spring plowing in March would be the best time for them to have children since it would not be too cold nor too hot.

Li Qinghe was still planning when she learned Mei Shi was pregnant after two days.

The two learned not just that Mei Shi was pregnant but that the Zhou family was having an argument and it was their neighbor who came over to tell them.

The person who came was a fat woman in her 40s.
“Hurry up, Mrs.
Liu and your mother have quarreled.”

Li Qinghe felt confused. Mei Shi has already married Elder Brother Zhou, isn't it normal to have children? What's all the fuss about?

Seeing that the two of them might fight again if they didn't agree with each other, Li Qinghe and Zhou Chengkang rushed back in a hurry.
There was no more noise in the yard when they arrived.
Zhang Haiyao stood under the eaves with her child in her arms, and when she saw the two entering the door, she sneered, “You came back just now.
If they really fought, wouldn't it have been too late?”

Li Qinghe was too lazy to pay attention to her.
Upon entering the room, they saw Mr.
Zhou and Old Lady Liu sitting opposite each other with ugly faces, and neither of them were speaking.

Zhou Chengkang asked directly, “Mother, I heard you were quarreling.

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