of the guqin seemed to have cut off the noise of the world.
Su Wan even felt she had been separated from the city.

Actually, when Su Wan was a child, she didn’t like her mother playing the guqin.
She felt it was dry but when she grew up, her taste changed and she slowly learnt how to admire the beauty of classical music.

However, when Su Wan heard the prelude of the guqin music, she widened her eyes.

“This is ‘Tune of a Peaceful Night’? You bought this especially for me?”

The curve of Jiang Xuecheng’s smile deepened.
He looked at Su Wan quietly and gave out a low laugh.

“I heard someone has been assigned the task of learning this piece.
Are you having a headache right now?”

Su Wan blushed.
She raised her fist and replied, “Don’t look down upon me.
Which beginner can play a complete piece?”

Jiang Xuecheng raised his brows, “Who claimed to be a genius at the beginning? Who said that once she learns the guqin, she would be amazing? I think you would have plenty of calluses on your hand before you can master the guqin!”

Why was this man’s mouth so bad?

Jiang Xuecheng still remembered her joke back then.
Su Wan was ashamed and angry but was helpless.

Every time Su Wan practiced the guqin in the music room, Jiang Xuecheng never came to listen.
She knew then that this man had no interest in the guqin.

However, Jiang Xuecheng had inquired about her progress from Sun Yue through text messages!

He didn’t do it for the purpose of ridiculing her, did he?

Should she say he cared about her or should she say he was evil?

Seeing the traffic light turn green, Su Wan reminded Jiang Xuecheng in a louder voice to be rid of the embarrassing situation.

“If you don’t start the engine soon, brace yourself for the honking from the driver behind.”

Jiang Xuecheng darted Su Wan a faint look.
Then, he started the engine of the car.

Looking at his hand on the steering wheel, she let out a sigh of relief.

After Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng arrived at Di Chen’s headquarters, nothing happened.

Although the public discussion was boiling everywhere, when their colleagues saw them, they neither gossiped nor looked at Su Wan with strange eyes.
Perhaps Jiang Xuecheng had managed and trained them well.

Su Wan didn’t care what others said behind her but her little heart couldn’t bear being stigmatized openly.

Just when Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng wished to return to their respective offices, they suddenly heard a deep voice of a man.

“Both of you are finally back.
I’ve waited long.”

Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng turned around.
When Su Wan looked up, the sight of a tall figure with a pair of gold-framed glasses and a gentle, handsome face welcomed her.

“Brother Tang.”

Su Wan smiled faintly when she saw this big brother.

Tang Yifeng nodded and smiled sarcastically.
“Good sister, you have a sweet tongue.”

Jiang Xuecheng darted an indifferent look at Tang Yifeng as he raised his brows, “Aren’t you very busy lately? Why are you this free to come here?”

“I heard that you met with an accident.
It so happens that I’ve completed the project I accepted last week, so I’ve come to see you.”

“I see that you can walk.
It shouldn’t be a big problem, then?”

As Tang Yifeng spoke, he tapped Jiang Xuecheng’s shoulders and sighed.

“I heard An’ning had cut her wrist for your sake.
Are you having some sort of bad luck?”

Jiang Xuecheng remained indifferent facing Tang Yifeng’s teasing.

“This is not a good place to talk.
Let’s go up first.”

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