the comments, saying that they had to watch it or eat it.
It was so delicious!

Huo Chenhuan, who had a gloomy face and wanted to fly home immediately, finally looked better after hearing Su Yayan’s words.
Even the inexplicable terrifying aura around him had toned down significantly.

Gu Shaoyang, who was trembling in the front row, was speechless.
Should he say that their young master was too easy to coax?

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A dish of Buddha Jumps Over The Wall required dozens of raw ingredients, and most of these ingredients materials needed to go through a certain amount of preparation, which led to the tedious preparation of the initial stage.

Su Yayan prepared the raw ingredients, and at the same time, she did not forget to explain to everyone, “Before making the Buddha Jumps Over The Wall, you need to soak the shark fin first.
The shark fin needs to be soaked for two days and a night before it can be used.
After that, you need to braise it for a period of time.
Considering that the livestream broadcast time is limited, I’m using the shark fin that has already been processed.”

Su Yayan took out a bowl of shark fin that had been processed and added some lemon to remove the fishiness.

The shark fin of Ancient Earth contained mercury, and it was not suitable for pregnant women to eat.

Most of the mercury came from the pollution of wastewater.
In their era, they paid great attention to ecological protection.
The mercury in shark fin was almost non-existent, so it was relatively more delicious and safe.

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“The sea cucumber and scallops also need to be soaked for a period of time.
The fish lips are boiled in the water, and the green onion and ginger wine are added to remove the fishiness.
The abalones need to be steamed over high heat in advance…”

Huo Chenhuan and the audience watched as Su Yayan took out each item and spun around in the kitchen like a little top.

Su Yayan was so busy that her feet did not touch the ground.
They were also dazzled by her.

It took Su Yayan more than an hour just to prepare the initial ingredients.

Su Yayan finally put the items into the jar, sealed the lotus leaves, covered the small bowl, and placed it on the stove to simmer.
Su Yayan let out a sigh of relief, and the audience in the livestream broadcast room also felt relieved.

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