

Like beasts, they like to bite their prey on the neck when attacking because they can kill them with one move.


But Ye Jian wouldn’t kill anyone; her purpose was only to teach.

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The young man whose neck was pinched by the steel pipe was so frightened that he was violently struck and reflexively grasped the steel pipe that had strangled his neck, struggling with his breathing.


Ye Jian didn’t do anything to him, but her actions were too dangerous, and she completely made the other person feel that his life was threatened.
She strangled him backward until they reached Brother Cheng’s side, who was still fighting and laughing arrogantly. 


Then, she threw the person out, just hitting the gangster boss’s back.


The place where she was fighting with the other eight people happened to be around the corner.
Brother Cheng, who had been fighting excitedly, didn’t even think that eight of them couldn’t beat a girl, so he didn’t bother to look at that corner.

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As a result, Brother Cheng, who hadn’t gotten up after being pushed down from the back, turned his head vigilantly and looked back, and saw the girl who single-handedly singled out his eight brothers, standing in front of him unscathed.


“How are you still standing here!” His expression instantly looked as if he saw a ghost.


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Ye Jian held the steel pipe and raised her eyebrows with a smile, “Why not?” Walking over, she simply stepped on his ankle and tapped the steel pipe on his knee.
“Brother Cheng, which one do you want me to beat, your knee or your leg? Choose one.”


How could Brother Cheng be able to bear being so provoked?


He picked up the steel pipe in his hand and got up; his eyes burst into a fierce roar, “Come on, brothers, beat this woman! D*mn it! You dare to threaten me! You must be tired of your life.” He shouted a lot, but he didn’t dare to go up against Ye Jian alone.

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