urled up and sleeping on a coat.

In such a noisy environment, this chubby kid was curled up like a ball, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, not afraid of the noise at all.

Mans took a few steps forward and stopped in front of the chubby kid.

Huo Lin wanted to say something but saw that the other had already picked up the little child into his arms, so he spoke, “He’s tired from playing during the day, so he’s sleeping now.”

This clumsy excuse made Mans raise an eyebrow.

The little child in Mans’ arms continued to breathe, the even rise and fall of his little chest indicating stable vital signs.
However, Mans found it hard to believe that he could possess such a well-behaved sleeping posture.

In just an instant, a trace of suspicion flashed in Mans’ eyes.

He turned around and instructed the people he had brought with him, “Help Marshal Twain take care of this, and remember, not a single one should be left alive.”

With his final words, Huo Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
Not leaving any survivors meant that tonight’s events would not be leaked.

The aftermath of this handling lasted for over an hour.

Huo Lin led Wagner ahead, guiding the way.
They returned to the room early.
As for Marshal Twain, he still had a pile of things to do next.

Wagner opened the door to his father’s bedroom and patted the bed, saying, “You can put Ningning here, Uncle Mans.”

Mans bent down and placed the little child, who was all soft and fluffy, on the bed.

The white clothes on the little child were dirty, and Huo Lin couldn’t bear to see it.
He took new clothes and changed them for him.
While changing clothes, he noticed that the little child had scraped his knee.

“Ningning fell down.”

Wagner thought for a moment and explained, “Dad’s clothes were too big, and he tripped.”

Huo Lin looked at the scraped area, feeling a twinge of pain.
He carefully avoided the injured spot and changed the child’s clothes.

After changing the clothes, Mans handed him a medical kit he had just found.

Huo Lin reached out and took it, using a cotton swab to carefully disinfect the scraped area.
When the cotton swab touched the wound, it caused a stinging sensation.

The sleeping child cried out in pain twice.

Mans saw tears welling up in his eyes and wiped them away with his hand.

Huo Lin knew that the child was afraid of pain, so after quickly disinfecting the wound, he put a band-aid on it to prevent his pants from rubbing directly against the injury.

For such a small wound, it would be considered melodramatic for an adult to put on a band-aid.
However, for a young child, it was already a significant injury.

“Your Highness Caesar, I have been ordered to take you away.”

Mans, seeing that Huo Lin had taken care of the young child, directly picked the child up and prepared to leave, saying, “The spaceship is ready.
We should go.”

The young child’s original plan was to play for two days, but now, due to the unexpected situation, the plan had to be abandoned.

After all, a child that was asleep and wouldn’t wake up was simply unable to play.

Mans carried the little child, and Huo Lin held Wagner’s hand as they followed behind him.

Outside, Twain saw them and did not hinder them.
Instead, he bid them farewell, saying, “Your Highness Caesar, please take care of Wagner for a while.”

After handing over Wagner, Twain approached and looked at the little child with his small face nestled against Mans’ neck.

He leaned in, gently touched the soft cheek of the child, and whispered, “Thank you.”

He never expected this child to save him.
Ludwig had vaguely told him that if this child used healing abilities, it would come at a great cost.

To pay a huge price to ensure the safety of others.
This selfless act was something Twain found difficult to do himself.

He acknowledged the kindness shown by the little child today and promised to find a way to repay it in the future.

Mans saw him step back, didn’t say much, and continued walking while holding the child.

Soon enough, the group boarded the spaceship and departed.
On the ship, Huo Lin used the star communicator to report to his father about the child using his mental abilities once again.

However, this time he added his own perspective, saying, “Father, I don’t think Ningning’s condition looks so bad this time.”

The little one slept soundly, drooling in Mans’ arms.
When Mans instinctively reached out to cover his mouth, the child bit him, grinding his teeth.

Ludwig’s expression wasn’t very pleasant, and he frowned, saying, “Come back first, then we’ll talk.”

He had already had the Phoenix Feather Stone brought back and turned into a bed.
Once the child returned, this bed would become his exclusive little bed.

The call ended.

Huo Lin returned to the child’s side and continued to accompany him.

Wagner had initially been watching nearby, but after checking for a while, he fell asleep.

The spaceship was quiet.

Huo Lin glanced at the expressionless General Mans and didn’t have the desire to chat with him.
To avoid awkwardness, he also lay down with the child and fell asleep.

The night grew darker.

In the zoo where the little child had been during the day, a short mouse held onto its food and ventured into the territory of other animals.

It squeaked loudly, showing signs of excitement.

However, despite spending a long time venturing into other animals’ territories, it received no response from its own kind.

Finally, it approached a chubby baby beast named Rongrong and said, “Squeak? Squeak squeak squeak.”

‘Little brother, do you want to find a different place to eat?’

The black-and-white Rongrong held its toy, looking confused.

The short mouse patted its fur and explained for a while before suddenly realizing, “Squeak.”

‘Oh, you’re not a beastman.’

It was a waste for him to say that.

The short mouse, who sneaked into the zoo to get free meals, looked up at the chubby Rongrong.
His eyes spun around, and he said, ‘You look oddly adorable.
Let’s move together!’

The chubby child he saw during the day seemed so friendly.

The chubby child looked good and was generous to him.

He reached out his little paw and patted Rongrong again, making a decision, ‘I’ll take you as a welcoming gift.’

The chubby child would definitely like it!

That night, amidst the turmoil on the Federation, apart from the major event of rebellion, the news of the missing precious rolling beast from the central zoo also made the headlines in the gossip section.

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