Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 56: An Entertaining Lecture

rudimentary knowledge in their spare time. No matter how busy they were, Adela would teach the children from 10 am – 12 pm, Linde would teach the women from 12 pm – 3 pm, and Berengar would teach the Men from 5 pm – 7 pm.

Berengar was still on the quest to find educated people who had the ability to teach others, but that was a difficult task considering the educated population was primarily from either the nobility, or the priesthood, neither of which were exactly fond of the idea of teaching commoners how to read, write, and do basic arithmetic. Let alone learn the concept of Science in which Berengar had begun teaching, which was basically outright heresy in the eyes of the Church.

Berengar was currently teaching a basic sentence on the blackboard and see which of the men in his class could read it. He scribbled down the German characters for the phrase ”A fair day ’s wage for a fair day ’s work ” This was one of the many concepts he was trying to instill in the working man and nobility alike. He truly believed people should be paid the worth of their labor. After writing down the sentence, he looked upon the crowd and gave them another contest.

”Whoever can raise their hand first and read the sentence correctly will get another pint! ”

The men all quickly got to work looking over their alphabet sheets and deciphering the sentence. Eventually, a thin young man covered in soot from the furnaces raised his hand before anyone else, and once called upon, answered the question correctly.

Berengar called out to one of the women working in the tavern

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