Jake Point of view

Friday will be prom night and I have no date for it. Today is Monday. I have three days to pick who I want to go to prom with. I wish I could take Angel but that wouldn go well. I could take Rainbow or Katie. I dated Rainbow before, but this would be just weird. I overhear John asking Katie to go to the prom.

I hear her say yes. Well that just leaves Rainbow. But then, Josh goes over and ask her to the prom. She says yes and kiss him. I didn know they was going out. Dodge a bullet there.

I guess Im not going to prom. I ask Logan, Larry, and Ryan are they going to prom. Larry and Logan say yes, and they got dates. Ryan says he got to visit his girlfriend on Friday. Well, Im glad that Im not the only one not going.


I start to get ready for school. Jack comes in my room and sit on my bed. He says, ”So who you taking to prom. ” ”Im not going to prom. ” Jack look shock. ”Why not bro. ” ”I have no one to go with and it will be boring just standing there alone. ” ”Well, I think someone will come and youll ask them to the prom. ” I doubt that will happen. ” I know it will, just trust me on this. ” Jack walks out my room.

Angel POV

I wonder when will Jake ask me to the prom. Im so excited. I text and ask him about it, but he doesn respond. He will ask me, right. He is my mate after all.

Few hours Later

He didn respond once. Since he is being like this, Ill just get to ask me to prom at his house. I see Jake and follow him home. This might make people believe Im a stalker if they see me, but this is important.

When he gets close to his house. I jump in front of him. ”What do you want ” he ask nervously. ”You haven answered my calls or text. Also why haven you asked me to prom yet. ” ”It could cause a commotion and I don want to risk it. ” ”I could mask my scent, dress differently, and wear a mask. Just please let me go as your date. ” ”So, you are begging are you now little wolf. ”

I look into his eyes and say ”maybe I am. ” He blushes and look away. ”Sure, you can come as my date then. ” I smiled. She said, ”see you there then and don expect me to beg ever again. ”

Jake POV

Angel walks away. shes feisty isn she. I like that and shes cute. She could have chosen any werewolf boy, but she chose me. Wait, am I, her mate? If that I am then wow. Well that explains a lot. But it looks that there will be many things to worry about at the prom.

At least Im going with Angel. Hold up a minute. Am I falling in love with her? I might be actually. I need to calm down. Soon I might risk it all for her if this keep happening.

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