Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 485: Mao Miaomiao Miao Meowmeow Munya!


Fortunately, Mu-Nyang, the hero of the Cathulhu Race emerged. It was rumored that Mu-Nyang discovered the Players ’ secret and disabled their resurrection abilities. Then, this terrorizing race was vanquished under the leadership of this Cathulhu God.

Cathulhu Race later claimed the Players ’ planets as their god ’s contribution rewards. Mu-Nyang created his own star systems as a new home for his race and never got involved with Heaven Realm ’s political affairs ever since.

”Wow. ”

Miaomiao had a clear idea of what the ”Players ” were. Even if he was not the smartest person in the universe, he could easily guess the identities and the Players ’ secrets.

This sounded like a novel plot, a VRMMORPG Novel Plot.

Still, Miaomiao kept the information to himself.

[ ”For now, I want you to get out of there. You don ’t want to mess with an Ancient Cathulhu God. ”]

”… ”

Even if Joshua never warned Miaomiao, he planned to leave this place soon anyway.

Miaomiao put all the catnip flower seeds into his system inventory, planning to plant them in his dantian space later. Then, he brought out Zhu Qiao ’s teleportation talisman from his spatial ring.


Without hesitation, Miaomiao tore the paper, and his vision went black.

Miaomiao reopened his eyes and prepared for the worse. He spread his sense and got ready for combat.

”Mao Miaomiao? ”

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