White Online

Chapter 265: Wraith Vs.Wraithless.

In the Colosseum.

The spectator area for Players who wanted to become Gladiators were bustling with activity.

Currently, most of them were looking straight at the floating holographic screens, where the endgame of the current battle was happening.

Isaac was sitting on one of the chairs, with dozens of Players around him watching the match.

Around him, he heard different kinds of conversations.

’ ’So weak. I would be able to defeat them with ease. ’ ’ One of the Players with ordinary brown hair said with certainty.

’ ’Look at him— what the hell is he doing? ’ ’ One of the Players pointed at the screen.

Or, more precisely, at the player who was holding Flintlock Pistol.

Isaac also noticed him because he was part of the same class as him, but the skill difference was like heaven and earth.

The Player ’s way of holding Flintlock Pistol was very awkward, even comical.

He didn ’t stretch his arms forwards; instead, only halfway, with his elbows pointing behind him.

Once he fired, his posture became a mess, and he almost fell down on his butt.

’ ’Hahahaha! ’ ’ The Players around him roared in laughter like they were watching a clown making fun of himself.

Isaac facepalmed and didn ’t want to watch any longer.

He didn ’t like seeing Players making fun of someone with the same Class as him, but the Player had it coming.

Isaac knew that anyone could learn how to shoot properly with enough training, but there are Players that think they are Anime Protagonists who will stand on top of the world without any training.

That Player was one of them.

Since he started playing, he didn ’t bother training, instead went to battle against wild animals without any training.

As child, he had used Slingshot, which allowed him to survive fairly well, but once he bought Flintlock Pistol, hardships started.

Because everyone was saying Marksman class was bad, he came to that conclusion as well.

No matter what he did, he could barely kill anyone and blamed the class for almost falling down with each shot.

He never thought it was his own fault for not using the gun properly.

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