21st Century Archmage

Chapter 155: Black Fox’s Visit

‘S-Somethings off!

While chasing the Nerman-affiliated Gold Wyverns, the Laviter Empires Skyknights had naturally shifted into attack formation. With only the dim lighting of the crescent moon to guide their path, they maintained a wedge-shaped attack formation. That was the result of bloody training. If another kingdom had seen this, they wouldnt have been able to hold back sounds of awe at the imperial troops incredible skills.

However, the Commander, Count Lukence, tasted a surge of bitterness in his mouth. He could draw a picture of Nerman with his eyes closed. In no time at all, he could see Nermans central city, Denfors, in the distance.

‘There are no lights…

Nermans lively central city should be dazzling with the light of magic lamps and fires at this time, but Denfors was dark and quiet, like an uninhabited ghost town. More alarmingly, the air above the city was seething with a taut, sharp energy. Anyone who could use mana knew what this feeling was. It was bloodthirst.

‘I-It cant be, they lured us?

He had struggled to ignore the ominous feeling hed had before coming here. However, he could feel it clearly now.


Whatever it was, a certain something was waiting for them in Denfors.

“Attack the covert first!”

They could not stop. This opportunity was too perfect to follow his instincts, which warned of danger. Even if the enemies knew they were coming, he wasnt afraid.

As long as that man named Kyre wasnt here, before the night was over, Denfors would be burned to ashes.

* * *

As the darkness crept in, I could feel the still-cold air settling over my airplate. I was protected with magic, so I didnt feel the cold, but because of the fierce rage simmering inside my heart, a frosty air filled the inside of my armor.

And then, I saw them—the Laviter invaders, transitioning into ground bombing formation and pouring mana into their spears, unaware of the wyverns looming over their heads. They were crossing the pitch-black Denfors castle walls and charging towards the covert.

‘Theres no better position.

In Weyn Covert, a gift had been prepared for the invaders.

“All forces, turn upwards and look to the sky!”

“As you command!”

My Skyknights had formed an array high above Denfors. I gave an order to the flight leaders, then closed my eyes. All of the wyverns and Skyknights followed suit, turning their heads upwards.

In Weyn Covert, as well as various places on the Denfors castle walls, defensive magic arrays had been rigged in advance. Some of them were glowing blue, absorbing mana in preparation for ignition.

* * *


The attacking Lukence and Laviter Skyknights saw a few forms looking like wyverns in Weyn Covert. The Gold Wyverns of the mages that had attacked them and fled had disappeared into thin air. And Denfors, the target of their attack, clearly appeared to be in a defenseless state. The fact that the lights were off was suspicious, but the sight of the wyverns resting outside their hangars in the darkness gave them a sense of relief.

‘T-That is—!

However, that feeling of relief was short-lived. Lukence and the Skyknights, who were filling their Blessed Spears with mana in preparation for a salvo, were able to clearly make out the wyverns lying down motionlessly.

They were bales of hay used to feed horses, cut into wyvern shapes.


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